lucky all of you! i usually only see mine the whole day. here in graz/austria it´s really frustrating. so i´m glad when i see a prius, and i don´t even think of checking the colour. but - in the last weeks i saw more than ever before: two or three a week. (haven´t seen a white one yet.) kr wogue
Great....another way to drive myself crazy now! So the Prius rainbow involves 11 colors....12 if you can manage to tell the two silvers apart?
I typically see a blue, red and silver on my way to and from work. I see them everyday and still no waves. Boo to rude people
Re: The Prius Rainbow! In my 10 minute walk this morning from the downtown train station to my office, I spotted 4 Prius!!! Whoo Hoo!!! I had not seen that many in one day before, I see at least 2-3 everyday walking back and forth to the train station downtown. Today I saw... a Black Prius A Silver Prius A Silver Pine Mica Prius A Barcelona Red all within my 10 minute walk
Re: The Prius Rainbow! Perhaps a Prius Bingo game? Hmmmm... I'll have to make up cards and see if there's a way to fill a Bingo card. Then randomize, print cards and voila! Instant game for the kids! <smirk> Dan :dance:
Re: The Prius Rainbow! I usually see one each of the following: Barcelona red (our baby) 2 silvers 1 black 1 blue 1 green every day. The owners all work where I work.
I ALMOST saw the Prius rainbow yesterday. OK so it was to and from a restaurant, not just one way, but I don't make many long trips. I saw: 2 barcelona red (including mine) 2 salsa red 1 spectra blue (this was the first one I saw, only the 2nd I've ever seen, so when I saw it i thought I might have a chance at seeing all the colors) 1 silver (not sure which) 1 black 2 seaside 1 driftwood 1 mag grey and either a tideland or another mag grey, couldn't tell All I missed was white and silver pine, and I didn't cheat and drive by the SPM prius that lives near me on the way home, either, although I might have if I had seen a white one before that.
How many points do you get if you take a parking spot if the previous occupant of the space was also a Prius? It happened to me for the first time at Costco on Saturday. He pulled out his driftwood pearl and I took the spot with my super white. Judy, I sure try hard to pay attention to the road. The MFD is addicting. Lots of other Prius drivers are talking on the phone, I notice. No wonder they don't wave!
Re: The Prius Rainbow! Two-way's are fine, and drive-by's aren't cheating (except for driving by Toyota dealerships).
Re: The Prius Rainbow! (No, I did not drive by a Toyota dealership Never occured to me since the one place you WON'T find a Prius these days is a Toyota dealership!
I've seen black, seaside pearl, silver and something else, but... I thought I was the only Super White around here. ZC1
A rainbow flag on a prius is sort of like one on a Miata.. Redundant. .... er, but, so is the HRC sticker on the back of ours.. oops! And NO, no stickers at all on my Miata!