1 wife + 1 baby + me = $1500! Time to buy some spinning rims for my Prius!:whoo: Actually, with all my foresight, I did my part to "stimulate the economy" several months ago, when we built up a little debt buying a house. That and my wife is about to have another baby, so it will help pay for her time off. Anyone else get theirs? What are your plans for it? Should we even get a rebate at all?
Sign it over to the Obama campaign then send a copy of the receipt to "Shrub and Co." and the RNC. LOLOLOL! ound: I kill myself! Wildkow
Same here. But I didn't realize you had high income, TJ. Actually, I don't make any money at all. My income all comes from investments. Have you got investments too? Or do you have a paying job? I can't imagine that you get paid enough for preaching to be above the "stimulus" income.
My late uncle Jack once told me he loves paying tax, one year he didn't pay any tax and it was a very tough year, another year he paid a lot of tax and he was very well off that year. He worked out that when he pays more tax, he earns more money!!!
I didn't realize that was part of the deal. In that case, I probably won't be getting one, either (my income is from investments and rental property).
Yep. The amount you get diminishes as your income increases. Above some income level, you get nothing. But then, if your income is that high, you're already paying less taxes than you'd pay at that income level in any civilized country. The funny thing is that I got the letter saying that if I qualified, I'd get a check, but no indication that I would not actually get the check. Capitalism is a pretty good system if you've got money. Otherwise it sucks.
Luckily for us, I have a wife who works part-time so I we just squeaked under the limit for joint filers. I personally received a check, even though my refund was direct-deposited. I guess if you deduct your tax preparation expenses from your taxes, then it screws the direct deposit up. Yes, the way it works is if you are single and made above $70k then no refund for you! If you're married filing jointly the limit doubles to $140k and from there your refund diminishes or disappears at a rate that varies depending on some factors. The way I see it, if you're making much more than these upper limits, there's nothing to be sore about. Rather, count your blessings!
Got ours, but most of it will go to the hospital bill for our cat "Serendipity" for her radioiodine treatment.
Stimulus checks were given to the wrong people IMHO. They should have gone to the wealthy, as they would have turned around and immediately spent the money, rather than pay off bills, or save it.
Isn't it more cost effective to just buy a new cat? Let me guess, you voted for Bush last election? Thanks PriusChatters, I'll be here all night. Tip your waitress. ^_^
Reminds me of the joke on SNL mentioning that the price of hip replacement surgery for a cat was slightly more expensive than the alternative: total cat replacement. Just because I think the people who paid the most taxes were most deserving of a tax break, and could do the most to stimulate the economy doesn't mean I like Bush. I think Bush is the worst president to serve in my lifetime. I don't see how anyone who normally makes less $500k a year could think the current administration has any of their interests in mind. 251 more days.
Straight to the car payment...well, mostly the car payment...and maybe some harem pants and a coin brassiere.
We got our $1200 on Friday. $600 for my wife and $600 for the daughters. I only receive a housing allowance as pastor, so no stimulus package $$ for me. Our congregation is encouraging those who are able to do something meaningful with this "windfall." Ours will likely go toward helping with the resettlement here of a refugee family from Bhutan. PA P
We got our $200 - not enough for a big amp and a sub-woofer, so instead I got a used base drum and when I want to go crusing and sound cool, I have my grandson sitting in back banging on the drum! Thump - thump - thump...
Not to start an argument here but tell that to anyone living anywhere in Africa / South America / Asia etc. and I think you would get an argument. Capitalism may not be perfect but it beats the hell out of whatever is in second place.