All- First time to post here. We have an appointment with the Internet Sales Manager at Champion Toyota early Monday evening. I spoke with him over the phone and he says that they already have a waiting list for 2009s and are taking deposits. Will let everyone know the results of our visit. David N. Pink Acres Farm Webberville, Texas Pink Acres is the place to be!
Well, I said that I would give an update. Here goes! First off, at 6:00PM on a Monday evening, Champion Toyota was full of people. I mean, it was crowded. Our appointment was with "Matt, Internet Manager". The folks at the reception desk didn't have a clue who this person was. Whatever. They got a salesman named Mike Dillard to help us. Mike is very friendly, but he does not have a clue about the Prius. (Thank god for PriusChat. I was armed for bear.) We told Mike that "Matt, the unknown Internet Manager" sent me an email that Champion was taking deposits on 2009 Prii. Mike said that the 2008 Prius waiting list is between 3 - 5 months. He also said that the 2009 models should be out in Fall 2008. Regarding the 2009 model , he said, "My Sales Manager says as it stands right now, there will be no changes from the 2008 model." Fine by me, but I want a 2009. He says no problem. We go inside. Once we are at Mike's desk, I asked for a Prius brochure. They were out. No prob. "Ok, then.", I said,"Let's look at the Toyota web site. I will show you exactly what I want on the "Build Your Own" page." Poor guy. He couldn't navigate the Toyota web site very well. Finally, with me in the "driver's seat" I put together the Prius on which we wanted to put down a deposit. He disappears and comes back 10 minutes later with a "Model Cost Simulator" printout for a 2008 model. Here's the info from the printout: Touring edition base price $23,370 Package #6 $ 5,925 Extra value pkg MSRP discount ($ 1,750) *I have no idea what this is.*** XM radio $ 449 Glass break sensor $ 212 Mud Guards $ 135 Delivery $ 715 TOTAL $29,056 Last of all, we put down a deposit. Would appreciate any thoughts/advice from PriusChat folks! Thanks!
They finagling around with the numbers then come out with about the same results as the quote from the Toyota website. Oh, the dealer games. Considering gas has gone up another 12 cents over the last couple days, I think you did good. Maybe, you can get him to throw in some Prius capet floor mats or maybe a tint job. At least, you have your foot in the door. Enjoy the wait until delivery. I don't guess you ever got to talk to "Matt", the alleged internet sales manager. I ran into something like this, but later, learned that he did exist. Anyway, have a good day!
I just bought mine from them about a month ago and they have been fantastic, especially after the sell. Chose them over Classic in Round Rock. Keith
Would you mind sharing where Champion Toyota is located. We are in the process of moving to the Houston area and need these word of mouth recommendations. Thanks