I have called around and checked near and far ... seems like to get the Prius I want it will be anywhere from 4-12 weeks. I won't buy until mid-June, so by then I may just end up waiting for the '09s although nothing will be different. Then my mind gets to thinking ... "why not wait for the all new '10s in early spring or fall of '09"? Most likely I will go with the old gen and trade up for the remodel after a few years of working out the kinks, OR wait for the all-new Lexus designated hybrid. My main problem is that I want a Touring edition, Pkg 6, gray interior, in either Black or Super White. I am considering reducing my demands to Pkg #3 or higher, but I am of the opinion that I should get the car I really want regardless of how long I have to wait. I have been searching the inventories of dealers in So Cal even (willing to fly and pick it up and drive it home halfway across the country) and if it shows on their inventory it's always gone or spoken for. It's kind of frustrating, but I understand the demand is VERY high right now.
Husker4, you're right. We ordered our 08 about two weeks ago through our credit union buyer. Three unsold Prii were logged onto the boat due in port with 40 cars early week of May 12. Within four days, all three had been sold, no discounts were being offered at the dealer who got the deal, and fleet manager told me wait time was going to be 4-8 weeks immediately. Two days later, an online note said Prius MSRP is going up 1.8 percent. Eitehr the salesmen are very good at making you feel good, or we really were lucky to get what we got when we got it.
I did order mine in middle of January and going to pick it up today.Lot of waiting here in Finland too.
That's the way I'm feeling ... I'll probably get on the waiting list and keep looking around for one on the coasts.
My brother and his wife went to Seattle to get their first Prius (they have 2 now). The wait was very little compared to local dealers at the time. Since you are willing to fly and pick it up, I would suggest checking with dealers in Seattle since it is the port they come in on.
Boy, things must be bad where you all live! We'd been kicking around the idea of getting a second Prius (for my wife), and Friday I put out a request for quote on the Edmund's web page. Three local dealers responded, and the one that had the color we wanted just happens to be where we bought the first Prius. We went over that night, test drove the car, and signed the papers and drove it home. The only waiting was waiting for the financial guy to get to us (they were selling a lot of cars Friday night, I guess). However long you have to wait, though: it's worth it!
I finally put down $500 to save my spot ... I am hearing anywhere from 4-12 weeks. I am being REALLY particular about what I want. I am #4 on the wait list ... it's a small dealership near my hometown. I am hoping that even though it's a small dealership that doesn't get AS many Priuses, the short wait list will make up for it. I called dealers in L.A., San Fran, and Portland and the wait would be pretty long there as well so I went local b/c I can just trade in my Acura MDX without having to drive across the country to do so. Maybe I made a mistake by not going with a larger dealership ... I just didn't care much for the local dealer. They knew I knew what I was doing when it comes to buying cars, yet pulled the "make em wait" game on me and then told me any deposit wouldn't be refundable. The same dealer here in Lincoln owns the dealerships in Omaha as well. I did have contact with the dealer in Des Moines and I really liked the guy, but I went closer and smaller (hopefully it pays off). Finally decided on a Black Touring, Package 6 w/gray interior. The Touring part could either hurt me or help me ... could help b/c not a lot of people around here want the Touring or the Black or the Package 6, but also there aren't many Tourings in allocation let alone Pkg 6s in black so that could hurt. If it takes too long I will just ask for a refund and wait for the re-design most likely.
The process in NJ was every unsold car that comes into the dealer is offered to the people on the list in sequence. Even though I "ordered" a silver 6 I had a choice of 3 cars and decided to take one which freed up a more loaded car for someone else later. Once the 2008s stop arriving you should be notified & given the option of a refund or a 2009. I'd stay on the list.
Hi Husker4, Did you give a deposit to the Columbus dealer? If not, where? Other than Omaha, there is nowhere that I know of that would be considered "local" at all. Even Columbus is nearly 80 miles away! I had talked to the Lincoln dealer (via e-mail and phone only), but he wouldn't/couldn't give any estimate of when my package #2 would be available. I'm currently just outside of Omaha. - Tim (not currently) in Hollywood
Yes, I did put the deposit down in Columbus. The people at Performance Toyota here in Lincoln just rub me the wrong way. My hometown is Norfolk, so I head up that way to see the parentals quite often. I guess when I said "local" later in my post I meant "rather than deal with people in Kansas City or Des Moines". And yes ... Columbus is 80 miles away The Internet sales guy in Des Moines was really great, but that's a 3 hour drive ... they are the largest dealer in 3 states though, so they maybe could've gotten me one earlier. I believe their wait list numbered in the lower 30s however. Supposedly Columbus ONLY gets 2 or so a month though and I'm worried they'll get passed over often when it comes to a Touring Pkg 6. Who knows??? We'll see how it goes. As far as the Lincoln guys not being able to tell you when ... they told me it could easily be 3-4 months. I think their list was near 20 or so ... however, they also have a few dealerships in the Omaha area and that makes their overall allocation pretty big. I just didn't like how they worked. First salesguy I had was kind of an idiot ... the 2nd guy I'd worked with was a really nice guy though. The manager said my deposit wasn't refundable though, so I walked then put down a deposit in Columbus 2 days later. Miraculously the Lincoln store called and just so happened to have a meeting and decided they were changing their policy on deposits ... yeah, sure. My brother talked some #s with them about a pickup truck and they played the big "make em wait" game and we left.
Hey All- Check out Gatorland Toyota in Gainesville FL. NOT an advertisement We ordered a 2008, Red, Package three, in Lansing on May 15th. We have been "on the top of the list" since June. We have changed packages, and colors and still no car. We do understand the allocation procedures from Toyota. My mother in law checked Gatorland on September 10th and we are picking up a 2009 Spectra blue, Package 3 TODAY. It has been about 2 weeks. The sales staff (Rich Fisher and Ross Murphy) are great. They let us know where the car was and when we could pick it up. Rich called me yesterday and said he was touching our Prius..too funny. We paid 175.00 for an airline ticket and we have our car. As an aside, we went to pick up our deposit from the Lansing dealer yesterday. After we got home (with no deposit because they didn't have administrative staff ) , SURPRISE , they called us and told us they had a package 2 we could have. There was no call until after we went to get out deposit back. Lesson learned. By the way, we are paying cash with no trade in so the transaction was not the issue. It was the dealership. To be fair, we have never done business with this dealership so I am certain that may have something to do with it. We have never done business with Gatorland either so.... it should make you think about the dealership.
I'm confused, what was your motivation to go through all this to buy a Prius? Status symbol, save gas, reduce foreign oil dependency, reduced emissions...