OK, I just have my new Prius for about 3 weeks now, and I know I am driving my 10yr old daughter and husband nuts with my list of what they Cannot do in my new Prius.. What is the most bizarre or gross thing you have told a friend or family that they are NOT allowed to do in your Prius?? My list is pretty basic,, 1. No eating anything in the new car. 2. No drinks in the new car except a bottle of water 3. Obviously NO SMOKING, I am a non-smoker and hate the smoke. 4. My 10yr old must clean out everything from the backseat of hers on each trip. She likes to leave books, clothes, other junk in the backseat. 5. She MUST put the new towels over the seats when she sits down. And,, the biggest thing that she is NOT allowed to do in my new Prius 6. NO FARTING in my new PRIUS I know,, very gross, but hey, this is a 10yr old and you know how kids can be.. I told her if she farted in my new Prius I would banish her from riding in the car. So far my poor little Dachshunds have only had 1 ride in the car,, they like to make lots of nose prints on the windows and since they are long-haired Doxies, they get lots of hair on the fabric in the back, I have one of those heavy cloth covers to go over the back seats, but it does not cover the sides of the doors and all their hair just clings to the door handle area.. I would like to see what all of your are picky about with your new Prius..
I don't think I'm as crazy as you are, but yes I do enjoy driving my ugly little blue hybrid vehicle a lot!! Your thing about farting reminded me of the scene from Rainman when Hoffman & Cruise are inside a phone booth together, and Hoffman actually farts. :glare:
I was also trying to enforce a no farting rule, but that seemed too draconian and difficult to enforce. So far there has been very little eating or drinking in the car, which is a big switch from previous cars. My kids are 16 (almost 17) and 13. No one will ever smoke in my car, or even near it, if I can help it. I have forbidden them to touch the touchscreen unnecessarily, and I keep a little microfiber screen cleaner in the glove compartment so they can clean it off if they muss it up. Sadly, my dog is forbidden from the car because of how badly she scratched up the leather seats in the old car. She also had a habit of climbing on the dash board that I don't want to see repeated.
I had to laugh about you making your kid clean out the back seat. My son is the same way. He always built a nest in the back seat of our old car. We have all the same rules. I do allow farting, though. I wouldn't want the boy to blow up or anything. And IIII don't do anything like that
Absolutely, positively NO Muddy Spikes on the seats. And, No Mud, Grass, Clay or Rocks from workboots allowed anywhere except on the floors. AND -- No Smoking.
The first rule of the car: Respect a girl's car, the girl respects you. Rule 2: I choose the music. Rule number 3: Seatbelts. (With apologies to Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen)
WEll the poor Doxies have only ridden in the car just the first day, from the groomers back to the house, 5 minute ride,,, I had the dogs groomed the day I bought the car,, If the dogs fart in the car, it is not like an 87 pound child with their buttocks firmly pressed into the seats so I don't think I will have to worry about any long term odor damage getting imbedded into the seats . I know I am being very anal here,, no joke intended, When the dogs get their chance to go back into the car, which will be in 2 weeks we are visiting the breeder we bought them from, a 3 hour drive one way, on May 24th,, I will hope and pray they don't let one loose in the car, but,, if they do,,, I will just have to open up all 4 windows immediately and quickly air out the car.. I'm crazy aint I???? :bounce:
I don't call this crazy, those are pretty neat car rules. It's your 'NEW' car after all....the owner certainly can dictate what is allowed to do in the car. A lot less for you to do car cleaning too....
The no FARTING would apply to my wife as I have no kids. I don't allow cigarette smoking in my Prius's. (We have 2 now). I do eat & drink in my cars occasionally, but as I clean the Prius's I don't make messes. Good luck with your daughter.
I paid to get the seats treated with some kind of scotch guard so the pup (Great Dane) can ride along...the rear seat still has a blanket covering it but any stain that cant be removed is covered through my dealer in theory.
Yep, that's me! Except no dogs. Cats, in carriers, in a big plastic basin in the cargo area are allowed. And I've come to trust my GF to apply lipstick while a passenger.
Besides 'no smoking,' (goes without saying) -- only 1 rule: Must offer suggestion on use of the little triangular front, side windows on driver & passenger sides. Most creative suggestion to date: Let's put goldfish in them.:fish2::fish:
Farts are just gas and air out quickly. I've never permitted eating or drinking in any of my cars, and I do not permit smoking in any space I control, which is to say house and car. I do not start the car until everyone is buckled in. And I buckle up before pressing the Power button (or turning on the key in the Xebra or a rental car.) And I do not pick up a hitchhiker who has a dog with him. Those are my only rules. No eating, no smoking, no dogs, and all passengers must be belted in. I did once allow a friend to bring coffee into the car. It was an unusual situation, and he was a very good friend who is reliable and not careless, and the coffee had a lid on it which reduced the likelihood of spilling. On another occasion, long ago, in a previous car, when a friend refused to buckle up, we just sat there for several minutes, until it became clear neither of us was going to budge, and we ended up going in separate cars. Zero tolerance on the seat belt rule. But in my opinion, the crazy one is the one who does not insist on seat belt usage. I see many people start the car, start to drive, and only buckle up when in motion. I consider that downright stupid.
My Rules: 1. My Music 2. No Smoking (eww) 3. No touching the MFD (if I want the heat or A/C on I will turn it on) 4. No picking your nose Other than those things there is the obvious "what you bring in goes out with you" Oh yea: 5. No feet on the dash (when shoes are on) can you believe people actually do that?? That is notion enough for me to kick them out!
I'm from the old days when it was suggested that after starting a car you let it idol for 30 seconds to a minute. This was to give the oil a chance to coat all the engine parts before putting any load on the engine. While not needed in today's cars, old habits are hard to break. I still start the engine, put on the seat belt, then start to move. The problem comes when I have to back up. I find it almost impossible to turn around and look out the back window with the seat belt on. If I have to back very far I will wait until I am ready to go forward to buckle up. I know I have the camera and the mirrors but I still like to look directly as my primary vision when backing. Bob