2007 9009 miles Needed front end alignment(warranty), noisy brake actuator valve at cooler temps; haven't had it fixed yet.
2008-March delivery 16,789-We drive alot (as of this morning) Absolutely no problems (lifetime mileage currently at 46.2)
Year: April 20, 2007 Miles: 36,317 miles Maintenance: 7 oil changes rotated tires 7 times replaced both air filters once each 82 tanks of gas Warantee work: TSB2810 Other repairs: None needed
Year Of Your Prius: 2004 (April, 2004) Miles On Your Prius: 71200 Any Problems So Far? If So, What?: No problems. Oil changes every 5000 miles; tires replaced at about 45,000 miles.
2005 - Fenruary 2 Salsa Red Pkg#9 143,000 miles 41-42 mpg lifetime oil change every 35,000 miles (Amsoil w/ filter at 17,5000 miles) 18,000 miles O2 sensor bad (fixed under warranty) 110,000 left front wheel bearing replaced ($150.00)
Year Of Your Prius: 2008 Miles On Your Prius: 3,380 (I know, it's a short commute) Any Problems So Far? If So, What? Sometimes the glove compartment squeaks a bit, although I haven't checked for mice yet. She goes in for oil change #1 next week. Jim
2007 with 23000 miles. Replaced brake actuator assembly under warranty. Worked fine but sounded like squeaky metal bedsprings when brakes fully depressed. Didn't like the sound so had the dealer replace it. Put scotch tape under both side mirrors when car wash took off the tiny plastic membrane over the recessed screw. The holes made high pitched whistles at higher speeds. Again, harmless, but I didn't like the noise. No other problems.
2005 with 65,400 miles. No problems. I use 0w 20 Penzoil Platinum synthetic , and change oil every 6,000-7,000 miles.
2004 93000 miles. I need to get some work done on the car. It's been good so far. Nothing too significant. I need a new 12v battery.
08 model 2. 3500 miles since march 7th or so. No real issues. I think my alignment could be pulling left a tad. wheel cocks slightly to the right. weather seal on drivers door is loose at the curve. other than that the car has been stellar. Wifes car (also a pkg 2) has 1500 miles since march 31, no issues at all. super cars!
2007 black prius 11,700 miles no real problems, except alignment was fixed a month ago. Was out of spec from the boat. Typical moan's and groans from coolant pump and slight break noise when backing out..i think this is normal though otherwise 95% perfect.
2007 Super white Touring delivered 10/29/06 (just in time for the FULL tax credit-EYHO!) Just crossed 30K Only an alignment on complaint and regular service so far.
April 29, 2007 Package 2 for $20,940 in MD ~16,100 miles ~50 MPG per MFD No incidents, but will check alignment soon @ 1kMi the dealer overfilled the oil and never saw me again. Using Penzoil Synthetic 5W-30 and 44/44 psi Love how quiet this car is.
Jan 20, 2008 Model 2008 package #2 10,065 miles today - average about 49mpg No problems - service at Toyota every 5K miles John