As I said in another thread, I have decided to buy a used Prius instead of a Mini Cooper. Although I don't drive much here in the City [1000 miles a year] it sounds like the Mini will fail in no time, especially on the SF hills which are hard on a car. Also said that since I am paying cash [I hate payments] looks like I will have to stick to a 2004-2005 Prius in the $18k range. Plenty of used Prius's in the L. A. area, where I have bought cars before since they are a good deal. Having had maybe 200 to 250 cars in my lifetime [total guess, no time to make a list, but I have had some for two months or less, more than two at a time, etc. I know, what a flake] I know what to look out for in terms of scams and cons [or someone unloading their problems on to me.] But what I don't know is if the 2004-2005 models were OK. In other words, anything on those years that made them a bad one to buy? Sidenote: Cracks me up how on eBay theirs all kinds of jerks selling salvaged titled cars [some that advertised were fixed by the seller, and only a few little things needed fixing. Yeah right. I also see lots of salvaged deals on Craig's List [SF and in LA.] I pity people falling for those scams. But there seems to be some good ones, being sold by people who are tired of the car after having it for four or more years. Also, some are higher mileage cars that most people won't touch because of that old 100,000 mile it's shot mentality. I have no problem buying a Toyota with 80,000 to 90,000 miles on it. Especially if the car was well cared for. So any tips on those model years would be appreciated. Again, since I am paying cash my budget is about $18k; maybe $20k if a later model could be "stolen" at a fire sale. I don't really want to go higher than that because I hate depreciation [in 1999 I bought a BMW 740i for all cash, $70k. Sold it about 18 months later. It depreciated at about $1000 a month! Might as well have had a friggin car payment. So hope you can understand why I never want to take a hit like that and why I want to stay within a budget. Part of the solution is to never buy a luxury car again ]
Nothing 'bad' about them. With the '04s there are some issues with the multi-display going bad due to a design'll want to make sure it's been replaced if you look at an '04 or you could find yourself trying to get it repaired or with an expensvie replacement. There are some minor functionality differences and display differences, but all in all it's the same machine and it'll work great for you.
2004 was the first model year for the current Prius. Of course the 1.0 version had a few bugs, but nothing major except the display issue efusco mentioned. Both 2004 and 2005 have painted smooth plastic interior panels and a VGA quality screen, side airbags were an option, not all cars have them. In 2006, screen resolution was increased and interior panels became textured, all cars have side impact airbags. In all years, the standard model had either halogen or HID headlamps. There hasn't been much obvious change, but every year has seen incremental improvement. In 2007, the "base" model was introduced, with fewer amenities than the lowest model of previous years; they would correspond to a package 2 in the current year's option packages. Go on and "build" a Prius to become familiar with options. Buy the newest car you can afford.
Don't worry too much about the display, as I said on your other thread, it cost me $25 to have the connections resoldered. I did the removal and strip down of the MFD myself but with information from this fine bunch of people especially Hobbitt. I think you have the rest right, higher miles is fine and will save you dollars. Enjoy.
Thanks guys. You had to mention the display defect and higher resolution display in 2006. Now I am looking at a 2006. Maybe I will nudge my budget up to $25k max [but don't tell anyone.] Dang you all.:rant:
Thanks for the input! I thought a decked out 2008 out the door [fees, options, taxes] was about $30 to $32k or so. Seems on Craig's List a 2006 still on warranty [and possibly with HOV stickers, that I don't need] was about $22 to $25k. So if next month [when I will be ready to shop as I am in trial soon] if $25k gets me close to new one, woot to that. But first priority is to stay within my budget. I don't want to spend $25k cash for a car. Lot of money to have tied up on a depreciating asset. [Albeit the Prius sure holds its value.] I always shop for about a month to find the best deal possible. Seems it has always taken that long. Either the seller does not want to let me steal it or there is something wrong with it [I am the type who parks the car in the sticks because I hate door dings. So if a car has door dings, depending on how bad they are, I may not buy what appears to others to be a perfect car.] We shall see. Like the other Member said, will get the best I can afford. Sidenote: Today I used a Prius City Car Share vehicle to visit mom on her day. About 100 miles round trip. Love that Prius. Pleasure to drive the whole way. Here is the Site. Why would I buy a Prius instead of using CCS since I drive so little? Well I will be teaching at a university during the summer and in the fall. Will have to drive 2X a week about 60 miles round trip each time. Won't be cost effective to use CCS, that I calculate would be $90 a week in "rental" fees. City CarShare - San Francisco Bay Area - Toyota Prius Here's SF and LA Craig's 2006 listings. Have not looked at the ads, some may be scammers or salvage title sellers. Usually only the low priced ones are salvage though, low priced meaning $16k for a 2006, for example: These are images, so don't try to clink them as links. Bay Area: LOS ANGELES:
Here is what I am talking about!!! If I had time to break away from trial prep I'd jump on this [assuming it is in perfect condition.] Probably someone in financial trouble so has to sell. 6000 miles and asking $20,500!!!!
Wow, your comment caused me to get distracted from work and look up some ads. Thanks. $25k would get me a nice car. Back to the salt mines. Rewards to all those who work for them.
I'm glad that you're looking around. $25k won't get you a loaded 2008, probably more in the Package 4 area. But it seems like you're finding some very well-equipped 2007's for that price. One of those ads was selling a 2006 for $30k. What's up with that??
You already know "no salvages!", and used ones are not that much cheaper than new. If you go used pay a certified Prius technician to completely check it out before you buy it. A complete diagnosis requires Toyota proprietary equipment.