I just installed the SiriusPrius kit for my 2005 Prius. When I press the TEXT button, the Artist and Title displays, however, only the first 10 characters are displayed. This is a bit disappointing, especially since I just paid $395 plus shipping for my Sirius Kit from Factory Interactive. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I know there is at least one XMPrius user on this board. -Scott
I have XM installed and it's the same thing. I thought it would bother me but now that I have it set up with favorites I'm never on the audio screen anyway. I just use the up and down buttons on my steering wheel to go between stations on my favorites page....while still keeping my map or driving info on the screen. It's become a non-issue. I know they promised satillite radio availability from Toyota dealers as option in April. Wonder if that's showing up yet and if it's any different???
I just noticed this post by tjbrooks. He has a 2006 Prius and got Sirius installed at the dealer and the MFD only displays 10 characters.
I have the same 10 character problem in my 2004 Prius. Sometimes the artist and song titles are quite entertaining so I started a blog: 10 Characters
question: is there a detail button, like the cd player to see complete song title, artist, etc?? (like the cd player) i would like sirius or xm but the 10 character limit is a real turn off