Just finished reading "[ame="http://www.amazon.com/ZOOM-Global-Race-Fuel-Future/dp/044658004X/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1210526231&sr=8-3"]Zoom - The Global Race to Fuel the Car of the Future"[/ame] It makes for an interesting, if very very very light/fluffy, read, looking at past/present/future relationship between America, cars, oil. I found it very scientifically superficial (be it social sciences or technology), but I enjoyed the (brief) historical overview of the car industry, the oil industry, and how Toyota ended up dominating the hybrid market (the chapter titled "The Prius Parable"). The book is mostly up-to-date (talks about the likes of Tesla, PHEV) - though, for a book published in late 2007, the Volt is conspicuously missing, despite lengthy discussions about GM's present and future strategy. A comment (coming as it did in Oct' 07) that oil prices seem to be declining, and that a target price of $40-$60 per barrel is likely, seems to be somewhat off the mark, 6 months later... Light reading - 4-5 hours and you're done. I got mine at the local library.
$40 to $60 a bbl would not cause Americans to re evaluate thier choices in cars. $120 however is starting to have that effect. The news says that miles driven is slowing and that fewer cars are on the road for Mothers day this year. My Prii and I can survive the current cost of gas but it is still hitting us hard in other areas like food, elec, and almost everything you wear or buy. on the whole I would rather see it at 40$ a bbl ! I would still keep the Pri however!!
That poses an interesting question: if gas did hit $40 - $50 a barrel, how many would get out of their Prius and into something more "fun"? I suspect those who bought the Prius due to an environmental motive would not. Those who did it to hedge against rising gas prices and a faltering economy might.
maybe a few. But I dont really think much could drop the price for a bbl of oil that much at all. Maybe if free energy was invented but other than that It aint likely to happen ever again!