Daughter will be going off to college in the Fall to Walla Walla, WA. An icy, snowy place. Around home, I usually chain up her car for her. But I KNOW she will not do it herself on any regular basis, so thought about buying Nokian WR2 for her Camry, since the tires she now has will need replacing in about two months. Based this on positive reviews of the WR2 on the Prius board. Except now, just looking at the Nokian sites, it seems they have done away with the WR2....any suggestions for a tire that acts somewhat like a dedicated winter tire, but is not???
I lived in Walla Walla for about 2 years. I don't think it's an icy, snowy place. Just snapped on a set of All Season tires should be sufficient. Unless you need to travel to seattle during winter time, tire chain is not required.