Hi All and forgive me if I've missed this covered elsewhere... I did look! Problem 1: when I touch the "telephone" screen option (having successfully linked my phone on the first try with the car weeks ago) the only choice I can select is "speed dial". NO other options shown are operable... they just sit there in a way that computer screen choices look when you can see them but not select them - think MS drop down menus, if you follow? Problem 2: My husband's phone (the exact same type as mine) will not be "found" or "find" the prius either. Yes, the bluetooth is active and I did everything the exact same way as with my phone. No, the phone isn't defective as it syncs up great with our Apple computers and ear accessory. INTERESTING BIT: The other night, he was driving the Prius w/his phone turned on, and I was ahead of him in our other car - not a Prius. I phoned him and he heard me come through on the speaker system but he couldn't be heard on my end. Its like even at that distance (2 other cars between us!!!) the Prius somehow found MY cell phone, but oddly, my voice came through like any caller. ????? Again, Stewart couldn't say one word that went through to me - I couldn't hear him on my phone and he couldn't hear him coming through the speaker system (which you would think he would if the car was confused and thought I and my phone were in the Prius and he and his were outside...? if you follow this sorted little tale of woe? I beg of someone out there... please advise on how to fix this odd little duck! -Madeleine
I can't speak for everything but I do know you can only speed dial when driving. Ive set up my most commonly called numbers for speed dial. You can use the other options when parked. Check to see if you're husband's phone is compatible. Toyota Bluetooth Phone Don't know about #3. Good luck.
problem 1. that's a speed safety thing.. over 8mph and everything on the screen locks out so the driver won't get distracted while typing in a number. check the priuschat shop problem 2. maybe you're bluetooth is maxed out? some phones and devices get maxed out. otherwise... *shrug*
problem 2: Try deleting both phones from the car and then reinstalling them. Maybe it is a setup glitch as opposed to a problem.
Problem 1: There is a speed sensor wire that can be cut and a switch installed. When switched to OFF, the car thinks it's stopped and you have full access to both the phone and audio (files, messages). It only needs to be off when dialing; if off for too long you lose information in the 5-minute bars on the Consumption screen (and the turning wheels on the Energy screen). You can read about it at Prius Speed Wire
Responding to all... Sandy - in my post I mention his phone is the exact same as mine - sorry, my post was long and probably this detail got lost - thanks anyway. Since mine worked, his should too. Re: maxed out bluetooth - nope, it sunk just fine in a friend's camry. THANKS ALL for the info re: speed/safety lock-out. I missed that in the manual. He was driving us on a beach trip and as a passenger I thought I'd make use of the time to enter him... now I see that wouldn't have worked. It's parked now, as he is desperately trying to remove the hard water spots left by the hose he used at the beach to remove bird droppings! On a black car, hard water spots aren't a pretty site, and on a new black car, they are depressing. Vinegar isn't working... so it's off to the body detail shop because he won't clay bar that car one more time! We've only had it less than a month! (once when new, once AFTER the clear bra install which removed the zaino finish to install... et al) If I can figure out this bluetooth issue, he'll feel the positive boost required to next mess with the DICE install. Sigh... Okay, I'm off to try to face the bluetooth... THEME SONG FROM JAWS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND.
1) Disabled while moving. 2) Your phone is paired with the Prius. You can only use one phone at a time. You need to select his. Tom
2:Orange County Prius Club -Pairing 2 Bluetooth Phones with the Prius Pairing 2 Bluetooth Phones with the Prius: How to Select Which Bluetooth Phone with the Prius (you must pair each phone first)
HI TOM, I know... you can only have one phone at a time... his WON'T select because I can't even pair his up when my phone isn't even in the car! I'm going to try the Orange county info next...
Compare the BT settings on his phone against yours. If they're exactly the same then his should connect just as yours does. If the settings are the same but his phone still can't connect then there's a problem with his phone, not with the Prius BT. (Obviously, since yours can connect!!!)