Hi all, I am nearing my 6 months for my 2008 prius (Portland, OR). After reading through the posts, I settled on 3.5qts of a 5W-30 synthetic oil. I found a great deal for oil change service special at "Brake Team" which advertised using a Premium Pennzoil 5W-30. When I took an appointment and met with the service person, I was surprised by what I got to hear! The person started by saying that he had been a service person at a toyota center earlier and said that being a hybrid (& too a 2008 version), it requires a special oil made only by Toyota (he repeatedly used this term "toyota brand oil with a very specific viscosity level"). Any other oil will screw up the engine as the combustion properties and requirements for the Prius were different!!! Use of any other oil will screw up the engine and hence, will void the warranty! Inspite of me mentioning that the Toyota user manual simply said of the use of 5W-30 oil, he kept on insisting that a "toyota branded oil" must be used!! He said that he could go ahead and change oil, but was really discouraging me from proceeding, and thus, was showing more concern for my prius! He also suggested me to go and buy "toyota brand oil" from a toyota dealer, which he can use for oil change! He did not sound really knowledgeable and I was feeling that I was being dished out crap in terms of "toyota brand oil". But, the whole point about the warranty scared me from going ahead with any decision! I was having a hunch that this guy came with all these stories in order to confuse me and hence, prevent me from using the coupon that carried a great deal! Is there something called a "toyota brand oil" that must only be used, and is available only with a toyota dealer!!! On the related context, is there a "specific oil filter with specific requirements" that must be used? Being my first vehicle and my first service, I really prefer to be on cautious side, than repent a hasty decision! I would really appreciate your comments! Thanks, Bala
Sounds like this guy is trying to pad the pockets of the dealership...That oil story is baloney...Sure toyota sells oil, like anybody else...but you can use other brands if you desire, which will not void warranties...ive been using mobil 1 for 4 years now...5w-30, and yes even 0w-20 when its cold...mobil 1 filter as well...dont fall for the crap thats out there, especially from stealerships...
It's like GM oil. Only better. I use Mobil myself. I don't even think my dealership's service department uses Toyota oil.
No. He was either a complete idiot, or he was trying to scam you. I cannot tell which, but I'm sure it was one of the two. ... Brad
"Toyota branded oil" is whatever low-bid oil company that allows the Toyota brand name on their bottle. Don't forget that the vast majority of dealerships will use a bulk lube dispensing system. The oil is delivered by tanker truck, and you have no idea what you are getting I tested the bulk lube crap at my dealership and wouldn't use that s*** in an old lawnmower on its last legs. It was pretty bad, and contaminated at that Presented with a load of horses*** like that, I would have got back into the car and drove away
Hi Bala, Yes, there is such a thing as Toyota-brand oil. For example, 0W-20 full synthetic oil can be purchased from your local Toyota dealer. However, there is no requirement to use Toyota-brand oil. Your decision to use 5W-30 full synthetic Pennzoil is a very reasonable choice. Regarding the oil filter, the Toyota-branded oil filter is an excellent choice and can be purchased for $3.29 each (plus shipping) when purchased in a case of 10 from a Toyota dealer that sells discounted parts. Champion ToyotaWorld Toyota (bearing the responsibility for the powertrain warranty) has more incentive than any aftermarket oil filter supplier to produce and distribute a high-quality oil filter. It makes sense to me to use the Toyota-branded oil filter, especially considering the very reasonable price.
I agree that the Toyota dealerships only use bulk oil. I use Penzoil Platinum synthetic 0w 20, and it is fantastic.
Hi Bala, welcome to PriusChat! :welcome: Like everyone else said about the oil... I had an interesting experience recently. I took my Prius to a Firestone place to get an oil change and the manager there was reluctant because not everyone in the shop was "Prius certified." Apparently Firestone doesn't want their service people to mess with these newfangled cars without adequate training. I told them 3.5 quarts and they still overfilled slightly. Check out the local HSD group!