That's pretty funny- of course we all know they have trustees in county jails too! (for the unaware, county jail is jail. When someone is convicted and receives more than one year of time, they generally go to state Prison- So generally when someone says jail theymean county jail, prison means State time. (Yeah and I know about trustees in the financial oversight/responsibility sense too)
Duffey if your still interested I sent you a message with the details. I just let the dealer know that I couldn't do it. I didn't really want leather seats any way. And when your done maybe you could post your findings here. Maybe he'll give you a better deal. I had gotten the price from one of the car sites, but don't remember which one it was.
Having bought many cars from dealers [but prefer private party] I'd listen to what others are saying in here. Sounds like BS. If you could have done the deal, would have heard "Oh, I was looking at the wrong price line/sheet when I quoted that." Total bait and switch, done to get you into the dealer.
what? Thats not that good of a deal really. I got offered $22.990 for a fully loaded brand new touring prius. I would have gotten it if it was a 1/8th scale replica, but sadly, it was only a 1/16th scale replica.
wow. i read this post and if this price is true, i will feel really bad. it is what it is and i paid MORE for my STANDARD #6. I really wanted the touring edition but they didnt have any. why ask more? if this is the true deal, buy many more people do you need to hear............"yeah it's a great deal!??" :boink:that's what this thread did to ME.