While I've told my friend I love my Prius, she asked me the following: "I am toying with buying either a Prius, Rav4, or another Volvo. Since there is no Prius’s to demo, do you have anything negative to say about that car? Consumer reports list the Rav4 as the best car out of the three. I might get the Volvo cheaper since it is a dealer demo (with 5K miles on it). The Rav4 and the Volvo have the same gas mileage 20/27, but of course the Prius is the best. If only I knew where I am going to work next year when I retire (from the Air Force). Right now I only drive 3 miles to work, so the bug is working just fine." Since she may get a job 3 miles from home after her retirement, is the Prius the best answer for her (other than the green-ness of it).
The answer depends upon the question. Does she want to minimize - emissions (pollution)? - fuel used? - her total cost of ownership?
If I only had a three mile commute to work I'd walk or ride a bike. There is no car other than an EV that would get good FE for that short a distance.
wow.. all 3 vehicles are good choices. Of course the Prius combines the best of all worlds - fuel efficiency, space and emissions. Doesn't matter which vehicle she chooses, they ALL will get poor mileage (relative to the EPA rating) if they're only driven 3 miles. The engines don't get a chance to warm up to operating temperature. The Prius still gets better mpg than the other two just don't expect 50mpg lol.
A similar situation is my daughter who works about 1 mile from home, then runs back and forth to the bank for another mile. She averages around 37 mpg in her Prius around town. Even though her 2007 has under 5000 miles at one year old, she still makes some weekend trips and enjoys the usual great mpg and substantial resale value. Her motivation was to be "green", which she accomplished in 2 ways, footprint and color. Advice for your friend, it's hard to go wrong buying a Prius.