Hello, all! As of today; I have been a first-time Prius owner for one week. It has been a great experience! From the immersion in acclimating to a vehicle that, in comparison to my Honda CR-V, is a space shuttle; my "geek factor" has massively increased. My 70-mile daily round trip commute has suddenly become more economical and sort of fun.....never before have I had so many onboard screens to peruse and view. The Bluetooth link is cool too; didn't have that in my Honda.....now, my wife's Mini Cooper S isn't the only car in the family to be wireless! At 44 years of age, and untold numbers of used cars, trucks, bikes, and so on; I feel like I've finally made a "grown up" choice in a vehicle from the POV of economy, environmental impact, and build quality. OK, off the soapbox....obviously I'm a little stuck on my car right now.... (my 3rd grade students really think it's cool, by the way! I showed them some pics of it on the classroom LCD projector) Looking forward to learning and contributing here on the board! Adam
Hello Adam, Welcome to PC. I'll be the 1st to say post pics of your new car!! It's such a great feeling to have an amazing car! & there's so much to learn here! Enjoy!
Thanks, Bill...BTW, here's the complete version of the sticker on my Prius - I got that when I was in Berlin a few years ago; it managed to survive relocation from my Honda to my Prius....enjoy the sentiment! (Germany is one of my fave places to visit..I was a young lad there for a few years in the 60's when my dad was in the army) Adam
Just a brief update on the new purchase, then I'll keep my notes in other forum areas where appropriate: Average mileage on my week and a half or so of Prius ownership, over about 800 miles of driving (it sure racks up!) has been 48.5mpg..... that's without too many radical changes other than - 1. following the speed limit, 2. using the "egg uder the pedal" acceleration strategy; and 3. LOTS of following and reaction distance.... I'm pretty darn happy! Oh, and I have grades and hills to contend with on my journey, as well as typical hell traffic on I-66 from ALexandria to Centreville. Adam
Congrats on your new prius...What tire pressure are you running I found 46(front)-44(rear) works best for me its an easy way to gain a couple more MPG's.. Also learn to coast all you can, but most important have fun and be careful watching the display..