I apologize ahead of time if this is repetitve. I couldn't find answers after searching. 1) What is that little disc on the driver's side front bumper? 2) Is there a recommended maximum speed for using the engine brake?
1) The towing ring that came with the Prius (probably the dealer left it in the glove box or the center console) screws in behind the disk. Be sure to read all the warnings in your owner's manual about towing a Prius. 2) No. But note that "B" is meant to be used only when coming down a very long slope, to avoid riding the brake hard. "B" reduces fuel economy and so should not be used in normal driving. For example there's no place in Dallas or Houston where "B" is ever needed.
Thanks, Richard. I'll have to locate the towing ring. I haven't seen it. Maybe it's in the rear storage compartment. I'll also take a look at the manual.
i read somewhere that someone actually measured kansas and it is indeed flatter then a pancake, so that would be a good place that would not need engine braking either
Mine was in the storage compartment. As for the "B", if they left itout, none of us would have missed it. the vast majority of us will have no use for it.
My tow ring is stored in the plastic tray under the cargo floor. The handle for the jack is stored next to it. I have actually used "B" mode a few times: Going down the grade from Lyons Creek Trailhead to US 50. The road is Wrights Lake Road and it descends from 6800 ft above sea level to 5200 ft in about 2 miles. The road is only a little wider than one lane and there are no guard rails to prevent you from falling down into the American River if you miss a turn. I marked the top and bottom on this map: I have also used B mode on Pacheco Pass (Hwy 152) near San Luis Reservoir and on I-5 in Southern Oregon. You can shift into or out of B mode at any speed.
Hey rigormortis, Kansas isn't quite as flat as a pancake (except by Dodge City and the southwest area) LOL. The best use I found for the "B" is when a cop is following me in a 30mph zone on a slight down hill road. My Prius will constantly gain one or two mph. Can't touch the brake to slow down. My foot isn't near the gas pedal. Tap it into "B" and keep it on the speed limit with the gas. Try to explain speeding without touching the gas pedal ??? Jerry
'B' (for engine braking) can be used for any braking help by using the engine compression as well as the generator especially in high-speed or distant braking and will save the wear and tear on your brakes and will cost you nothing in mileage. Better to slow down and use the generator braking all the way if you can. But be sure to switch it back to drive after you are though braking or the engine braking during normal operation will cost you mileage. Bud you
Richard, the policeman will know I'm speeding and wonder why I have to keep tapping the brake to slow down. There's about a dozen Prius in this area so the average person has little knowledge of the technology involved. I educate anyone who will stand still long enough but the silly questions keep coming. "Do you have to plug it in? , Is it running?" I think the police should consider the Prius but I know the American brand is locked in by dealer influence and bid specifications. Perhaps the price of gas will modify the process and they will be more responsible with our tax dollars. Crown Victorias rule in the police world. Jerry
He and all the conventional cars can adjust speed with the gas pedal while I have to use "B" to slow down the Prius. Otherwise, I look like I'm 80 years old riding the brake with my left foot. In the Ozarks where efusco lives I like to run down the hills on 65 highway. The Prius is a rocket going downhill. My Durango doesn't accelerate as fast with a neutral gas pedal. More fun in the Prius. Jerry
I had plenty of chances to use the B mode driving from California to Virginia, but none of those chances were in Kansas, which is all low rolling hills.
Precisely. The cop doesn't need to see flashing brake lights to know whether you're speeding. Indeed, if you use "B" and slow down suddenly the cop might stop you because he thinks your brake lights are not working :_>