I installed body side molding. Carefully measuring to be sure they were in the proper place. Used the crushstick. When I was finished I realized I never used the alcohol pad on the one side I did wash the car before I started so hopefully that will be good enough. I would hate to have them come off in the car wash (I get free car washes for life from the car dealer) I tried pulling on them and they sure seem stuck on. Do you think I have anything to worry about?
I think you're OK because you washed your car first, and you've tested it. That 3M tape on the back is incredibly sticky.
I would keep an eye on them periodically. The alcohol is included to also dissolve any wax on the paint that might interfere with adhesion. Is the carwash touchless? The weight of the "curtains" and "wraparounds" inside an older carwash can wreak havoc on mouldings that are loose. The ends of the mouldings is what you want to watch closely. If an end pops up even a little, the carwash could probably snag it. Please don't think I am trying to make you worry but I did work at a car wash and I have seen just about everything pop off from mirrors, mouldings, and antennas. Hopefully it is a touchless or newer carwash without the heavy components I mentioned above.
I also used mineral spirits first to remove wax. More important is the air and metal temp and using a hair dryer to get the chill off the metal.. I installed hundreds of stick on moulding, being in auto body