I was just looking around Coastaletech’s web site and I found this page: http://www.coastaletech.com/test_video.htm It has video clips that show some very interesting features: 1) It auto pushes the “I agree†button on the opening NAV Screen 2) It has an Ipod Interface that not only shows the current song title but also allows you to select a song from the playlist by title (I think that is what it shows) 3) It also enables you to add address to the navigation while in motion These appear be separate products but they all seemed lumped together on the webpage. I’m not sure if the videos are new or old (I could not find them mentioned elsewhere if the forums) but I was very excited about seeing them so I thought I would share.
Re: Coastaletech Aux Input w/ Ipod control & I Agree Kil That mod will make the car a lot more useful. :mrgreen:
These are new. Coastal Dave posted link to these pages over at Priusonline just before he left for the CES show . I'm hoping that he offers these for sale soon! It looks like his IPod solution overcomes the "playlist" limitation that many Ipod controllers seem to have also. Can't wait!!!
Yes, these are new and absolutelly spectacular, yet there is no word, not even a hint, on when this will be available. Dave is very good at torturing us, indeed.
Re: Coastaletech Aux Input w/ Ipod control & I Agree Kil Hi All, Looks like that to make this work means that we lose the ability to use XM Radio. I hope not but that is what it looks like. Peace, Fr. Bill
Re: Coastaletech Aux Input w/ Ipod control & I Agree Kil Coastal Dave - if you're reading this.. I'll buy one now! To be able to use my Ipod and my CD Player without having to disable one of them in the process would be just incredible. The other options are just the icing on the cake. I can't wait, it looks like a killer product that he spent some serious time developing. Need any beta-testors?
Re: Coastaletech Aux Input w/ Ipod control & I Agree Kil Coastal Dave has me tethered like a horse with a carrot dangled out front. The suspense is killing me, my wallet is open! Can you hear me Dave? Open the store! We're ready to buy ASAP! Nate
Re: Coastaletech Aux Input w/ Ipod control & I Agree Kil Perhaps the videos have changed, but I don't see anything relating to the iPod in either of those videos. Can someone clarify? Thanks.