Wow, amazing the power of increasing gas prices in making people rethink their vehicle choices hehe. We just got our Prius a month ago and our dealership was doing fairly brisk sales. They had half a dozen Prii on the lot and were doing some negotiations on price (we paid sticker on the Prius but got a VERY generous allowance for the trade-in). We just spoke with our salesperson recently and there isn't a single Prius on the lot, old or new. They've sold everything in stock and there's now a 60 day wait for any purchase. They also jacked up prices and now there are NO negotiations AND the price is now $400 OVER sticker. Holy cow! Should be getting my discount on my insurance soon too. My premiums stayed the same going from my 05 Outback to the 08 Prius, but they said that there is an upcoming round of new discounts they'll be offering (to stay competitive here now that MA has Managed Competition rather than fixed rates). One of the discounts is for Hybrid car owners! Woohoo! -Tara
I know exactly how you feel...I just purchased my Prius 3 weeks ago at invoice :bounce:and went back recently to pick up my cargo net. My salesperson told me I had impeccable timing, since now the Prius is sold out at most Nor. Cal dealerships and there is waiting list. Therefore, they've raised the prices to MSRP + a markup. Lucky us...Woo Hoo!!!
Same here. I ordered mine 3 weeks ago and got $1500 off MSRP. (They had some on the lot but no package 2s.) Now they are taking deposits down left and right from people hoping to buy at the sticker price. Way to go!
We got our 08 at the right time too... My 04 Salsa was totalled last year, so I was driving our Avalanche. When I realized it was costing me $20 a day to drive to work (I had to do the math a few times to realize it was not a mistake), we bought the 08 the next day. We were able to trade in the truck, & actually got kbb for it... Paid msrp but got the extended warranty for a good discount. Now with gas higher than it was then, the savings just keep adding up. On the news they are saying dealers will no longer accept trade-in SUVs. That there are waiting lists again for all hybrids, especially the Prius. And that they are unable to keep the non hybrid high MPG cars on the lots also. I love our Priuses... Both of them. =)
Your insurance went down? Ours went up like $15 a month for the two Prii. Maybe I should shop a little..
I guess I feel pretty good I bought mine in Feb. I was able to do the whole thing over the INTERNET. I had 3 dealers working against each other and I think a got a pretty good deal. At least having a Prius makes me feel smarter whether I got a great deal or not. Mark
we've had ours for about 2 months now. it's really a great car. i'm still learning how to take full advantage of the hybrid system, but my best tankful was 52mpg. i think we have impeccable timing! cheers!
Wow! Yeah you might want to look around. Seems like a few companies are giving discounts rather than price hikes for the Hybrids. We have Safety Insurance and get a 10% discount for my Prius.
Bought my 2008 Driftwood Pearl Prius on 4/30. Was originally looking for a Pkg 5 but the dealer was only offering a $100 discount compared with a $1000 discount on a Pkg6. I negotiated a $1500 discount guaranteed sale over the phone and picked it up that evening!!! A buddy of mine was also looking to buy but didn't pull the trigger when I did. 1 week later there were no cars available at all in San Diego and he ended up putting a deposit down at MSRP for a 2 week order.
I also feel very lucky (picked it up on 4/30 as well). Because I pre-ordered I got exactly what I wanted, a brand new Magnetic Grey #4 at invoice when I moved to Denver. The sales person told me I could turn around and sell it well above sticker if I wanted -- I declined. Next on the agenda will be the Hymotion BREM mod (put down the deposit a couple weeks ago) - Whohoo!!:nod::nod::nod:
Same here. got mine in mid-March for under invoice, easily $3K under what they are getting for them now. I also had my pick of about 35 they had on the lot.. virtually any color or package I wanted. Now there are non in stock at the same dealer. Should've bought two...
It sounds as though anyone who bought a Prius before about May Day did alright, and anyone who goes shopping after that date is going to pay more and have both limited selection and long waits. I figure that the situation of the supply will resolve eventually, but it may be quite a while out and with the weak dollar, the fact that all Prii are currently manufactured in Japan, and likely continuing increases in fuel costs, there will never be a return to the prices that were available in late '07-early '08. But if you're in the market for a monster truck, perhaps a diesel, now's a great time to buy!
I think it depends on where you are. Here in San Jose, I bought my package 6 exactly one week ago, and got it for under invoice. There were 4 6's on the lot, and numerous other option packages. There are 3 dealers in the area. One claimed to have 3 package 6's (all silver), one had four, and I never heard from the third what they had. But I agree: They are moving fast, and I expect them to be harder to get even here in SJ until the 2009's come in September (and maybe even after that, come to think of it!).
I also got lucky, bought mine in mid March for $1600 under sticker. The dealer I went to had about 15 on the lot, and I had my choice of interior color in the Barcelona Red I wanted (I went with the gray). My parents are now considering getting a Prius but with the selection so low and prices up, plus the fact that they'll get nothing for their Explorer, they are probably going to wait until the 2010s come out and then get a 2009.
Or a motorhome. My GF has lost her mind (again) and wants to buy a motorhome to drive from Calif to NY this summer. I keep trying to talk her out of it, and she realizes it is crazy, but then loses her mind again. Anyway, you can get some really good deals on motorhomes, especially the great big huge ones. Re: Timing the purchase of the Prius. I bought my Prius in late Feb 07. I went to a dealer that was advertising $3k below MSRP on Package 6. I wanted leather seats, so that worked out. I also wanted White, they had at least 6 White with Package 6. The day I bought my Prius, unleaded 87 was ~ $2.65/ gal. Two weeks later, it was about $2.85/ gal, one month later it was over $3 / gal and there weren't any more ads for discounted Prius.
I hear YA! My Lease for my 2005 Hummer H2 was up In May. Got a 2008 #6 Package Prius end Of March. Gave the Hummer back to GMAC IN May. WOW went from 12 mpg to 44.5 mpg!! My Dealer told me last week, that all the Prius's on the lot were gone by Mid April. I got the New York State E-Z green pass, that offers toll discounts, and an HOV Lane NY Clean Pass. Any Other discounts out there? Geico said they will be offering Hybrid Discounts soon. Mikey Dlane: