...old fashioned after driving my Prius! I'm sure many of you have had the same reaction. I was in a friend's Hyundai the other day, a 2006, so pretty new, with leather etc. A nice car. But, it was loud and rattly and all the dials and gauges just looked, well, dated. And the much more vertical windshield made me feel like I was driving a brick, aerodynamically speaking. I'm such a Prius snob now.....
Can you just imagine what a great thing it would be if all cars and trucks had average and instantaneous fuel mileage indicators? Most folks would either have strokes or start driving sensibly!
I feel the same way about all production cars these days - including the Prius. After taking a test ride in a Tesla Roadster, everything else is so 20th century. Keith
Was that you passing me on I-280 last night around 7pm? I was cruising home around San Bruno when this Black Tesla zoomed past me (in the right lane), must have been going >100mph. I was impressed. The other time I've seen a Tesla on I-280, the guy was barely going 65mph. I guess the test drivers have a little more confidence in the car now :grouphug:
Teslas on 280 eh? I should start commuting via that route again. Maybe I can be lucky enough to see one in its natural habitat. God knows they'd probably stay well clear of 101 given the state it's in now....
I saw a DeLorean drive past my house the other day. Haven't seen one of those in years. Wonder what kind of mileage those things get with that stainless steel body.
Hi Ichiro, Sorry was not me. However it probably was the same car. The biggest problem with the Tesla Roadster is that the car's capabilities are way beyond the capability of the average driver. In other words, you can get into a lot of trouble really fast. Remember, the chassis is by Lotus, and the drive system is powerful enough to accelerate 0 - 60 in about 4 seconds. It really is that fast. Tesla roadsters can be seen frequently on the roads on the mid-peninsula because Tesla is located in San Carlos. The local area gives them the opportunity to test the technology in normal real-world conditions - city streets, hills, winding roads, and freeways. Speaking of freeways, Hwy 101 (on the SF Peninsula) is a very poor freeway to test vehicles because of the quantity of traffic and the on/off ramps are not designed for high speed. On the other hand, Hwy 280 is a relatively safe high-speed freeway. Consequently one may frequently spot Tesla's on 280. Keith
I have an occasional opportunity to drive a 2007 Ford Freedom. While it does have some bells and whistles, it's still dated. The CVT is not pleasant and getting use to it's "shifting" takes a long while. This crossover is also a slob in it's handling characteristics, very heavy and slow to respond, maybe there is to much vehicle stability? Gas mileage is the lousiest thing about it. While the car is use primarily for short trips it does see a highway now and then. 18 or 19 MPG are the norm. Another complaint is the visibility, the A pillar is quite large, the back window to small.. (Yes, the Prius has the same problems but they don't seem to bother me as much in the Prius!? The Ford is nothing I'd want to grace my driveway with.
Aaaahh, what a great looking car, even today! That stainless body is what really sets the car apart. The only Irish production car to be exported to the USA! To bad John put his money up his nose instead of into his car company!
No doubt, the DeLorean theme is classic! The DeLorean exterior will still be cool by just having minor touch with modern-day's 'roundness' for better aerodynamics.....the interior should be revamping though (with digital gauges, LEDs luminuance, etc).
I passed a Smart car on the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles yesterday. I swear it looked like a toaster on wheels ... lol
10 yrs ago, when my Civic Si was in the shop, the loaner they gave me was an '80's beater Cad. Seville -- which had an instantaneous fuel milage indicator. Of course gas was about $1.25, so it was really just a novelty... Go figure!
You're right, the Flux Cap too...... But I'd rather take the 'waste-food or garbage' fuel-generator for today's use instead....it'll be a true 'GREEN' machine.
i love the delorean! a neighbor on our street has a real production model, not some kit car..he babies it..it is mostly garaged. but i have seen him out and about in it. I should ask if he will let me test drive the thing
After driving the Prius my husband says my car (a 2000 Infiniti, with leather, satellite, etc) is "barbaric" because he has to ACTUALLY TAKE THE KEY OUT OF HIS POCKET and put it in the ignition to get the car to start. I have to admit to standing at the front door of my house wondering how long it would be before the door will unlock....I know, I'm blonde!
A month or two after having owned our Prius the thing that really started bothering me when driving one of those 'other' cars was pressing on the brake. All I can think of anymore is that every time I hit the brake in a normal car there is nothing happening to conserve some of that energy. It's all just totally wasted. I get a little sad, lol. That and the fact that I can't stand it when I sit at a stop light with the engine idling anymore. I didn't have to burn that 3 minutes' worth of gas, Wth?!