Very seriously thinking of pulling the trigger on an '08 Prius #5

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Ventura, May 8, 2008.

  1. Ventura

    Ventura New Member

    May 8, 2008
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Non-Hybrid
    ...but first, some background. You might want to read this first to see where I'm coming from. That gives the most detail, if you dig that sort of thing.

    Cliffnotes for the non-hyperlink inclined: I drive a 340 HP Dodge Charger R/T right now and hate it. You hear the term 'piece of shit' quite a bit, but never has it been more applicable. I got it on a 27 month lease, pay $415 a month, and have 7 months left. I am about 2500 miles away from my mileage limit, after which I will pay .15/mile until the end of the term. Given that I drive 60 miles every day to/from work (with no other driving whatsoever included), I figure I have 1-1.5 months until I reach mileage break-even. I currently pay around $375 - $450 per month in gas. That is...what's the word?...oh yeah, painful.

    So, here's my dilemma.

    My last few cars have been an Acura CL-S, Infiniti G35 sedan, and now the Charger R/T. I've always sought a 'premium' brand for some reason up until the Charger, where I got the bright idea that I should support my local Detroit posse by purchasing, as it turns out, a flaming turd. That was a mistake and I won't make it again.

    Anyway, I am very seriously considering buying my lease out early (I'll have to pay around $3K), turning the Dodge in at mileage break-even, and moving into a 2008 Prius (package 5).

    Problem is, I'm used to power. I like fast cars, but I FULLY REALIZE that the Prius isn't a sports sedan. I think I'm willing get past that for my daily driver, because I am sick of the high costs associated with operating a sports car/sedan.

    I read this thread, and it certainly shed some light on my dilemma. But because I'm the nerdy analytical type who can't get enough data, I figure I'd throw it out there again.

    Standard questions...

    Will I find *some* level of driving enjoyment? I know many people consider the Prius to be a rolling video game to maximize MPG, and I think that's the sort of thing I can get into. I am a bit of a tech freak. And by 'bit,' I mean tremendous.

    I do a fair share of city driving, but my commute is half highway, timewise. Here in Michigan, most people are brain-damaged behind the wheel and consider highways top speed testing tracks. Does the Prius have enough guts to cruise at 75-85 MPH?

    This you really can't answer, but I'll toss it out there anyway: am I being circumstantially reactive? Will gas prices come down and then this massive corrective movement towards high-MPG cars be all for naught? Because let's be clear: while I do care about the environment and I am a bit of a food and fitness nazi myself, I am not buying this primarily as a green statement. I am buying it for its low TCO and gas savings as viewed across the life of ownership. If gas were cheap and I though the trendline was sloping in the other direction, I wouldn't be here. I would just suck up the poor MPG and eat the over-mile charges until my lease term was up.

    If, if, if. The realities of the market are quite different, as we all know.

    I am open to all comments. And before I go, I want to thank you all for a very good forum: I've been lurking for a few days already. Tons of info here.

    Oh, since this is a long post and you made it this far, try this fun game. You know the intelligence level here? Pretty solid, I would say. Now go here and read for a while.

    Night and day? Yes. Yes it is.

    Enjoy and thanks once again.
  2. Weirdo23

    Weirdo23 Junior Member

    May 1, 2008
    2008 Prius

    While not in exactly the same boat you are in, my boat is on a similar sea. I also drive 60+ miles to work and back each day. The answer to most of your questions above lie in your priority scheme. For me, now, the top priority is MPG. Knowing that my '93 Jeep Cherokee (which has been tremendously faithful and relatively maintenance free) with 134,000+ miles on it won't last forever, I'd always planned on replacing it with something semi-sporty that would tickle my fancy in some way or another. The Prius was never something I'd have imagined. Well, after a few months of the long commute, my priorities have changed significantly! My top priority is now MPG. Yes, I could spend 12k on a tiny little 4 cyl commuter car and get 40MPG but that is not something I'd ever smile about when approaching the vehicle. Will I ever save the $18,000 difference between a car like that and the '08 Touring package #6 I ordered, definitely not. I will however have a car that I feel good about owning, enjoy driving, doubles my current MPG and saves me money at the pump every week. How many other cars out there have a "Stealth Mode" that you can look forward too?
  3. Brodie

    Brodie New Member

    Mar 15, 2008
    Rhode Island
    2008 Prius
    Can you rent a Prius for a few days? Might be worth it to actually drive one on your daily commute and see how you like it. The car is really quite fun but it takes a short while before you figure everything out and the coolness factor REALLY sets in. I came from driving an F150 so I can't address the sports car end but let me tell you after 7 weeks I still can't wait to get in the Prius and drive anywhere....even down the street.

    I don't think gas prices are ever going to go back to where they were (you know, the good ol' days of <$2). There will be short term fluctuations but I think we're going nowhere but up from here.
  4. dwdean

    dwdean Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    South Florida
    2008 Prius
    I've been in my '08 for a couple of weeks, and frankly think it's the best car I've ever owned. Period.

    The immediately prior to this were a Jeep Cherokee and a Ford pick-up truck. I'm not going to be hauling around anything big with the Prius, but it certainly has the guts to keep up with the previous gas hogs.

    I'm assuming Package 5 has the leather interior. If you're looking for to Gucchi the insides up, that will certainly do it. People routinely oooh and aaah over the insides of the lower packages, so add leather and you'll likely be quite comfy, though it's probably not going to compare well to that Benz.

    As for cruising at 75-80, well you should have gotten the answer by now, but just for the record: "sure, but you're going to pay for it in FE." Don't get me wrong, even with the hit you're going to take you'll be getting better FE than most cars, its just likely not going to compare well with the EPA numbers.

    When I made my decision, it was strongly influenced by the fact that I got an "extended test drive" when I went to visit my parents over the holidays. If you've really got reservations, why don't you consider renting one for a day or two. I think both Avis and Hertz have them in their fleets now. That experience may either convince you to go out and buy one, or tell you that the car is not for you.
  5. Ventura

    Ventura New Member

    May 8, 2008
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I could rent one, yes. I could. But first I might try to just test drive one. I can get a pretty good read from 20 mins or so on the road without a salesman trying to explain stuff to me every second of the way.

    It's a mindset change is all. I'm used to fast and powerful and fun, and I tell you: in Michigan, for a daily driver, that doesn't make much sense in the long run. My dream is to drive a Prius for daily stuff and through all 4 seasons, and then have something like a Nissan GT-R in the garage for fun/weekend/stupid indulgence.

    First things first, however. I need to figure out how to get out of this lease and get into a more sane car to own and operate. I thought about the Honda Fit, but -- and color me elitist here -- it's just too basic. More pedestrian, louder, less refined, etc. Nice car for the price, but it's very much an econobox.

    The good news is that I trust this board so much that I plunked down a $100 deposit today on an 08 Mag Gray Package 5 a few hours ago. So, I'm 'in line,' so to speak. It's refundable in case I hate it or decide to ride out the Charger until lease end (and eat the mileage), but we'll see.

    Thanks for your comments. Very cool.
  6. bagwell

    bagwell Active Member

    Sep 14, 2005
    the woodlands, tx
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    1. buy out your lease for $3000+??? isn't the lease buyout your monthly payment times number of months left???? if not, heck I'd just let it sit in the drive until the end of the lease then turn it in. You could try as well.

    2. since you like the HP, when you rid of the POS, why not consider getting a weekend sports car and leave the commuting to the Prius or similar hi MPG car. I commute in a 2000 Honda Insight that's averaging 72.1 mpg and on the weekends i drive a 2008 Audi TT.

    3. driving the Prius will be a nice calm, quiet, comfortable ride.

    4. good luck and keep us advised!
  7. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Renting one for a few days should settle the matter for you. Fully loaded is not required for the rental, the options are pretty much like those in other cars and you can imagine what they're like. But test drive both a standard and a touring package if possible. Some people love the touring; others get all the perceived benefit from putting a little more in the tires of a standard.

    (I just now checked out the 2nd link in your post. Jeez louise, them fifty-dollar fillups must be gettin' on those boyz nerves.)
  8. Ventura

    Ventura New Member

    May 8, 2008
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Non-Hybrid
    1. That's actually an interesting idea, as Dodge charges a $425 lease termination fee if I give it up early. Perhaps I do just keep it and use it periodically until next Jan. That way, I save $425 and move into a cheaper car for daily commuting. Not a bad idea. Sort of embarrassed I didn't think of that first. Durh.

    2. I agree with this idea 100%. I am dying to see if I can get a Nissan GT-R sometime in the next few years. I doubt it, but worth a look.

    One last question: how does the Prius do with immediate off-the-line acceleration? I don't mean the sprint up to 60 MPH, but ultra-low end torque via both motors.
  9. bagwell

    bagwell Active Member

    Sep 14, 2005
    the woodlands, tx
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    its not built for extreme acceleration, but its more than sufficient for everyday use.

    from MOTORTREND..
    0-30 mph 3.1
    0-40 mph 4.9
    0-50 mph 7.1
    0-60 mph 9.8
    0-70 mph 13.3
    0-80 mph 16.9
  10. canesfan

    canesfan Culture shocked...

    Mar 27, 2008
    Jacksonville, NC
    2008 Prius
    Hey, Ventura, I just sold my loaded Chrysler 300C and got my Touring Pkg. 6 yesterday. My husband LOVED the 300C and would not have been heartbroken at all if we had been unable to sell it. The HEMI was awesome and fun. We could afford the car, and the gas to go in it, but I just hated giving more and more of our money to the gas station! My husband was not thrilled about the Prius, he still hasn't driven it, but it's growing on him especially since he picked the color and is thinking of all the mods he wants to do on it. In the 24 hrs. I have been driving it I find I am so much more relaxed. I was on the highway for about 45 mins. yesterday and had no trouble merging with traffic and keeping up to speed. My husband even asked me if it seemed to strain the car to pick up speed, my answer was not at all. Sure, I am not gonna blow anyone's doors off like I could before but the trade-off in being a more relaxed driver is totally worth it. I don't have any problem accelerating from stoplights and I find it's a quieter, smoother, easier ride than the 300C. Your plan to keep a fun/fast car on the side may be a good one but you might find after a while that the Prius fulfills all your desires.
  11. Ventura

    Ventura New Member

    May 8, 2008
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Thanks Canesfan. Good story.

    Here's something I notice about Prius owners: every one I talk to LOVES the car. I'm not talking, Yeah, it's decent, I sort of like it stuff, I'm talking, Dude, best car I've ever owned, and I've had (BMWs, Benz, Vettes, etc.).

    A friend of mine even talked to a patent attorney who hauls down about $300K a year. He drives a Prius and loves it, even though he came off a BMW 5-series. The only thing about it that pisses him a little is the wait list here in MI is so long that he can't buy his wife one right away.
  12. Dipena

    Dipena Senior Member

    Apr 22, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I left the lease on my Honda Pilot SUV two months early to buy a Prius (about 1 month ago). We were about 12K miles overmileage on the SUV, and for the last 4-6 weeks, I let it sit in my driveway and used it to go to the dump every Sat. I just couldn't see continuing to drive it, only to put more miles on it and sink so much money into gas. I decided I could NOT face the prospect of summer gas prices.

    We owe two payments on the Pilot plus about $1200 for the overmileage. I considered buying a car from the dealer I was leasing from to see if they'd cut me a deal, but after looking at the Nissan and Honda hybrid and other offerings, I decide to check out the Prius. What a difference! An elegantly designed car with much more passenger and cargo room than you would think from looking at the outside, no econobox feel, and a very pleasant driving experience. And better FE than Honda and Nissan's hybrid offerings. Toyota clearly has learned what works/what doesn't in a hybrid car and it is reflected in the Prius.

    I got package #6 in order to get leather seats, and it was well worth it. The minute I test drove that car, I knew what I wanted. I feel like I am not sacrificing anything in order to get fuel economy.
  13. 1972chevelle454

    1972chevelle454 New Member

    Apr 17, 2008
    San Carlos, CA
    2008 Prius
    My last two cars before the Prius were a 1972 chevelle 454 and a 1998 camaro z28. I'm loving the prius. Don't really miss the power of the other cars. You will be happy if you get rid of the dodge, they are shit.
  14. rkskeet

    rkskeet New Member

    Mar 20, 2008
    State College Pa
    2008 Prius
    Ventura: Simple process - Go For It and Don't Look Back!!! Have had an 08 pkg 6 for 8 weeks. Really loving the car!!! Good Luck!!
  15. Ventura

    Ventura New Member

    May 8, 2008
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Non-Hybrid
    So yeah.

    I plunked down a $100 deposit yesterday with Dunning Toyota in Ann Arbor. Doug Gallian, the sales manager there, was great. I 'ordered' a Mag Gray #5, and it should be in somewhere within the 4-8 week range.

    Still need to drive one, though. My bro-in-law is telling me to ditch the Prius and just get something used and bang the hell out of it until it dies. He says that's the best way to be economical, but frankly, that's not me. I really would rather not deal with the trials and problems of a used car and whatever 3rd party warranty that goes along with it.

    I also have a fairly safe 'out': a friend of mine drives a Honda CRV, and her lease is up in October of 2009. She tells me that if I hate the Prius, she will buy it from me no questions asked. She would buy a Prius now if she could get out of her lease.

    So, one step closer. Thanks again for all your comments.

    Here's a question: have you heard of anyone who got the Prius and DIDN'T like it or regretted the decision in any way?
  16. lefat1

    lefat1 Fat Member

    Jul 8, 2007
    Sunny S. Florida
    2008 Prius
    dump the guzzler, if u are lucky enuff to get a prius, get it now, the dealer will not hold it for $100, if u want fun and speed, get a harley
  17. lefat1

    lefat1 Fat Member

    Jul 8, 2007
    Sunny S. Florida
    2008 Prius
    btw,,,here's what i gave up for my prius...loved it but getting too old and needed a new car

    Attached Files:

  18. ForTheGlory

    ForTheGlory New Member

    Feb 14, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Your brother-in-law's advice is great and perfectly logical if you never take long trips. For just driving around town, that probably is the cheapest way to go. Otherwise, would you really want to drive even three hours away from home in a car that you don't trust?
  19. Ventura

    Ventura New Member

    May 8, 2008
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Actually, they will hold it for $100. He told me so yesterday. I put the deposit down, basically just to secure my place in line.
  20. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Recalling reports on this site:

    One guy said he couldn't tolerate the driver's seat and sold the Prius rather than replace the seat.

    bjhorton2005 said he sold a 2004 for "another premium car" but then bought a 2006.

    Someone in London sold his but didn't say why.

    A few people get outraged if they don't equal or better the EPA fuel economy figures at all times.