Dose any one sell the roll bars and shocks that the Touring model has to upgrade the non touring model? I've seen the B Tech front and rear braces, and that some get new tires. I will most likely try those mods first. I guess the dearler may be able to sell the shocks and sway bars from the Touring model to upgrade my 08 Prius package 6 with stiffer sway bars and shocks. Dose any other manufacture make upgrade suspension parts for the Prius?
Read this thread about the Touring suspension parts -- FRONT: stabilizer bar only / REAR: stabilizer bar, shocks & springs -- that are different than those on the Standard Prius: As to aftermarket upgrade/performance suspension parts, the only ones I know of are the TRD Sportivo struts/shocks & springs. Don't think anyone makes an anti-sway bar for the Prius. Besides the BT Tech front strut tower brace and rear stiffening plate, TOMs makes front, rear and chassis braces for the Prius as well.
I found the TRD suspension kit at the Carson Toyota site. But thanks for info in your reply, now I know whats up. I guess the TRD kit is not the same parts from the Touring but it is from Toyata for the Prius. Carson Toyota TRD Parts, Replacement parts and accessories for Southern California
I hear that the TRD struts/shocks & springs are stiffer than anything on the Standard or Touring Prius. Note that they will lower your car 20 mm in the front and 15 mm in the rear. You might want to check out the Sigma Automotive website for Prius aftermarket parts, including performance parts like the TRD struts/shocks & springs, TOMs front, rear and floor braces: Sigma Automotive – Toyota Hybrid Prius 2004 - 2009 OEM & JDM auto accessories