I used a carpet cleaner to clean up regular foot grime on my bisque floor mats, and wouldn't you know it! Now they are yellowish where I used the stuff.....Boo hoo. Is the only remedy buying new ones for $100???? I just bought the ExactMats vinyl covers online so they will be covered from now on (or at least, in a few days after they arrive....)
Dang that sucks! I havn't tried carpet cleaner yet, but i walk into nasty auto shop garages with coolant, oil, grime, dirt soaked floors all day. When I get back into my car after dropping off parts my floor mats are almost black by the end of the day. By the end off the week they get like a layer of grime on them. I usually just throw them in the washing machine in Hot water with a bunch of Tide and they come out looking new! Then i just throw them in the dryer.
yeah i would advise using a front loading machine to wash them, and not hot water. i think a top loader might be too rough, i just washed mine yestarday and i washed in warm water with some towels. the first one came out looking clean, the 2nd one didnt look very clean so i kept pulling it out of the wash cycle with a tub full and using a wash cloth to scrub it a little bit and kept throwing it back in the tub. i dont think the floor mats would stand being washed often, imo i washed them one at a time i didnt put them in the dryer, i just hung them outside to dry and they were pretty dry to the touch just laying over a chair in the sun for an hour or so
I wonder by throwing them in a washing machine with detergent and vinegar will get rid of the carpet cleaner stains..
Sorry you didn't follow my advice on using Simple Green, I've had no problems using this on many different types of car mats. It will also work in a washing machine, dilute it first by half strength. Pre soak any stains. Does a good job on work clothes too. I like using liquids in my front loader much better than powders. As a side note you could always re-dye your mats instead of buying new ones. At this point I'd get rid of the carpet and get a rubber type mat.
Wow! Great suggestions. Thanks! I used a special Spot Remover carpet cleaner....I will check the brand after I get home from work. I am amazed the mats can be machine washed. I'll try that, with the Simple Green, and vinegar---to get the best of both worlds. It can't get any worse, I figure. And with the vinyl covers maybe it won't be so noticeable. You guys are a font of knowledge. Great website, this.