i finally made the jump and bought a prius and had to let go of my dear tacoma. not knowing the demand was so great for them, i walked on to the dealership expecting to pick up the car that day and be on my way. unfortunately, it seems that the demand greatly out weighs the supply here in socal. the dealership had a black package 2 that they were receiving from the factory by ship the following day and would have it read for me the day after that. i finished my paperwork sunday the 27th of april, the car was to arrive the 28th and i should have been able to pick it up 29th. its now the 8th of may and im still prius-less and driving and 08 4 door silverado the dealership gave me as a rental because the car is still sitting at the dock for some unknown reason(their telling me theres a strike going on, but i figure a strike would generate some sort of new, which ive yet to find any covering it) all in all, my excitement for driving my new car has diminished. im hoping to have the car in the next day or 2, but by this point ive got a certain amount of animosity towards the car. i hope this works out to be the jesuscar i think it should be. sorry, i just wanted to vent....
Waiting is definitely no fun - I feel your pain - but the Prius will be more than worth the wait. I hope you're Priusful soon! Blessings.
There was a "slowdown" by the fat nice person dock worker's union on May 1st. Commy scumbags. They said it was to protest the "war". Good timing five years later, retards. It was really just a way for the union to try and flex some muscle, to show they have some left. It created a backlog which has resulted in the delay in the delivery of your Prius. The slowdown got play in SoCal because it coincided with "A day without an Illegal" which is always highly anticipated because of the lack of congestion on the freeways.
Tell them you want them to cover the difference in gas cost between the Silverado (I'm guessing 12 mpg at best) and the missing Prius (EPA rated 46, but many beat EPA - I average 49 -50 now). That should speed them up, or at least they could rent you a Matrix or something instead of that gas hog.
You should ask for a Prius or hybrid camry instead of a silverado, that way you can drive a prius before you get yours
We ship a lot to N Cal and were told there is no problem at the docks in S Cal?? It's worth the wait!
wow thanks for all the feedback. the dealership had to rent me a car from an offsite car rental service because they didnt have any loaners at the time. and now in hindsight, i do remember both hearing about the war protest and may 1st immigration protests, but didnt seem to factor it into delaying the delivery. i went back to the dealership today and again apologized that it wasnt here, but are going to compensate me something upon its arrival.