With the creation of local groups, I am looking for members in an around the Albany area. By creating a list of people who are willing to travel in and around the Capital District, arraigning meetings will be easier. please post your location, and we'll see you at a get together soon.
Located in Lake Placid. Have two '04's. Travel to the Capital region on a regular basis. How about a meeting in the Adirondacks?
I was thinking of a meeting at the Great Escape in lake george. kind of an Americade for Prius. i hope there are more people in the area, otherwise your prius will be the only one there.
so there is no one within 100 miles of Albany, NY that want to share their location. this would include owners in Massachuttes, Vermont and Connecticut. Anyone want to join our little group?
I'm kind of on the edge of reasonable drive...Brattleboro. I keep up with the thread though and will make the trip if schedule allows. Thanks for the effort. Tom
you are kinda stuck, i think one member was maybe starting a buffalo branch. you are always welcome here around albany.
I LOVE roller coasters, and am about 85 miles west of Albany, so Great Excape is a great place. I am NOT quite a Prius owner--it is "at port" right now. I am getting it from an Auburn dealer as I am trading in a Honda and they own one of those dealerships too. There seem to be NO Priuses within a 50 mile radius here. I am sure I will be VERY noticed!
There are now 4 2004/2005 Prii in my parking lot at work here at Kodak in Rochester. There are 2 Driftwood Pearl and 2 Silver. This is one of many Kodak parking lots, so I expect that there are maybe 15 or 16 Prii gracing Kodak lots here. Maybe I'll start a Kodak subchapter of the Upstate New York Prius Users Group. By the way, I got mine March 2nd and am now passing 10,000 miles. Mileage in March was mid 40s. Now, in late June, I'm getting mid 50s. I live in Bloomfield, so my commute is about 30 miles one way. My wife also loves the car and uses it instead of her Explorer at every opportunity (which is why the mileage is adding up so quickly). So far, no problems at all with the car, and I expect none up to 250K just like my 88 Camry.
I got my 05 SuperWhite Package 6 at the end of April. I live in Schenectady, and commute to Albany. I know thru a friend of someone who works at CSX in Selkirk who has a Prius. Will try to find out whom, and point them to this board. jck
im in syracuse and i would love to make the trek to the adorondacks sometime to meet with everyone during the winter months im only willing to go as far as like auburn because of snow and all that stuff
I am in Upstate NY more upstate than Albany, Syracuse or Rochester....I'm in Henderson Harbor, near Watertown. I've only counted 6 other Priuses in this area but would love to meet with other Prius owners/lovers Syracuse is only one hour away.
I'm about 35 miles north of NYC. My daughter lives in Albany so I will happily come upstate for a meeting. To my knowledge there is only 1 other Prius owner in my town and I almost never see them on the road going to and from work in the Big Apple.
Haven't gotten mine yet, but I am about 45 min South of Albany. It's fun talking to other Prius enthusiasts, but what exactly would people get together for? Compare notes, Mods? or some commonality like rooting for the same team.