The fit is good & they are made well. What bugs me is I somehow got the impression they fit over the top of the door jamb to the door. They don't, they end on the vertical portion of the floor pan. This means it's possible for debris to fall between the vertical part of the mat & floor. Maybe I'm just being too picky. Doesn't it say somewhere they fit over the jamb to the door?
Thanks for the feedback. Could you also please post a photo? I've been planning to buy it once my tax rebate comes in. I thought too that it would go over the door jamb.
Echelon If I had a clue just how a photo is posted I would. I did go to the instructions, it's like they are talking a different language. I'm not computer savvy, frankly I'm just kinda thick. Can I blame this on the head injury I suffered 4 years ago? My daughter tells me that excuse is getting kinda old. But I did pay good money for that excuse.......oughta get my moneys worth. Sorry
You'll have to sign up for a photo hosting site such as Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket It will provide an img link that you can use. If you're still having trouble, you can email me the photo at [email protected] and I'll post it up.