I tried putting in the switch to activat EV mode (2008 model), but had some trouble. I tried the cheap route by getting a spare pin from the turn signal connector. I could not get the metal connector to slide into H14 at position 27 (next to the red wire). I thought that I'd messed up the metal connector so I fetched another. But before puting the wire into it, I did a test fit into H14. It did not slide all the way in. Turns out after a comparison with the connector in # 26, it's too long and not the same design. The biggest problem is that it will not allow the white retainer to lock into place. Has anyone else experience this? Thanks.
Yes, it's not uncommon. It will wedge in there though if you use a jeweler's screw driver to push it in. If you prefer you can buy an anternate pin at Radio Shack or somewhere to use...even a paper clip will work...though not ideal for obvious reasons.
Thanks Evan, I tried a little force with a small jewelers driver and just couldn't get it to go down far enough to allow the white retainer to be pressed in. The driver slipped a couple of times and once sliced red #26 a little bit, so I chickened out before something worse happened. I'd like to get a pin that will slide in properly. Do you know of a part # specifically @ Radio shack for the the pin connector you're talking about?
no, I don't know a specific pin...is the pin you have in there seated far enough to work? I don't think my white retainer bar sits flat and hasn't for over 4 years now...it shouldn't be an issue.
If you look down there with a strong light and a magnifier you might be able to figure out which part of your "borrowed" pin to file down a little and make fit better. Also try matching up the length along the outside of the connector to take a guess at where the retainer comes in to meet it. . If Coastal wasn't so cagey about where he gets his connector parts, we could have solved this problem the right way a long time ago. Maybe it's time to hit a junkyard to try and find the same kind of connector to chop out of a late-ish model Toyota and build up a supply? These things aren't likely unique to the Prius, at least as far as the exact pins used. . _H*
For my EV mode, I use the pin from a D-Sub 9 pin Female connector. Radioshack Model: 276-1538 | Catalog #: 276-1538 p.s. I do remember that I need to push hard to get the pin secure.
I've also experienced this problem. It's too bad we can't identify the part# for this repair wire:82998-_ _ _ _ _. This is the wire that's missing from Sigma's kit. I solved this dilemma by acquiring one that was salvaged from a wrecked Prius.