My first year (Oct. '03-Sept. '04) with my Prius my MPG was just over 50mpg. My second and third year my MPG was right at 54mpg. My 4th year my MPG was nearly 60mpg! And yet I languished with a LMPG around 54mpg....I really wanted to get it up to the original cumulative MPG rating for the Prius of 55. But as you all are aware the more miles you get the smaller affect each individual tank has on increasing that cumulative MPG. But now, just over 1/2 way through my 5th year I've finally, with a 76.5mpg tank, exceeded the 55mpg barrier!!! This isn't going to get me into the hypermiler ranks of some of you guys...I'm a slow learner! But still, I'm sure glad to see that LMPG = 55mpg number in my sig....finally. I should mention, I'm just over 73,000 miles.
Congrats on your 55mpg.. I just got my prius last week, still trying to learn how to drive it ound:. I only avg 41 mpg so far I <3 my prius!
hey people, i am NO expert by far here, but with 3,800 miles on my new prius, and the help of efusco and morpheusx and others, i'm able to get 47-52mpg average now. what i recommend is that you keep your eyes on the INFO and consumption screen - PLEASE PRACTICE SAFE DRIVING! driving on merely "feel" alone is NOT good enough. look at the mpg on the screen, as everyone has said here, accelerate briskly, then lift and get into the glide mode asap. that REALLY, REALLY HELPS. to clarify, "briskly" does NOT mean flooring the throttle, it just means to accelerate instead of the old fashioned way of driving a gas car. remember, we have a hybrid here, it's meant to be driven differently then a typical gas car. for those who have the navi, unless you really need the screen, use the consumption screen instead, the navi will tell you verbally the directions, so you will still arrive to your destination. in doing so, this practice has yielded me well, and i mean WELL over 50mpg on the freeways without holding anyone up, if they are that fast, i merely move over to a slower lane and let them by. i can't wait until my new prius reaches 5,000 miles, i heard it even gets better! flame on! :flame:
Congrats! Hopefully next year you'll be at 65mpg or even 70 --- I recommend keeping a corner of your eye on the energy screen, just to see if your not quite in full glide mode (battery assisting) and feathering the pedal more to go to full glide (or shifting into neutral). Whatever you do, do NOT sacrifice safety. A lifetime of 100mpg isn't going to pay you back if you wreck it (not to mention your insurance)...
Evan are you joking? I'd be partying hard if I had a 76.5MPG tank. I would rather celebrate the steps than reaching a level if you know what I mean. Great job olde son. I don't even bother with lifetime, I bought the car to commute in town but it's more fuel efficient than any other car on the highway too so I use it and forget about the higher consumption on the highway. I only count city kilometres in my calculations. 76.5 miles per gallon tank WELL DONE EVAN!!!!
I've had a previous 72.3 mpg tank, and this one the MFD read 71.0...I'm not sure why the calculated was so much different this tank as the CAN-View said I was 97% of capacity. I'm sure the next tank will balance this out.
well, i had 4 people in the car, air con ON all the way and was able to achieve a solid 53 mpg today. i'm happy. again, keep a peripheral on the energy/consumption gauge and it will guide you to get the most efficient range. one thing i am finding out, VERY different than driving my 06 STS, people out there do NOT seem to respect the prius. they think that our cars are slow turtles out there, always hypermiling. i've had to splurge and spend fuel getting out of the way of cars that cut me off like i'm invisible. when the batteries are fully charged, into the green mode, the prius is NOT a slouch. i no longer fear bumper to bumper traffic jams, fully loaded and air on. it's a pleasure with this car. cheers! have a good weekend people
Big congrats!! I just finished my first tank, 47.44 MPG. I think I learned how to make improvements for tank #2. But a 70 nevermind 76.5 MPG tank seems out of reach for some time.
Evan, Great post - congratulations on your LMPG of 55 and 76.5 MPG:hail: current tank. Are you kidding me - WOW! You and many of the other "veteran" Prius drivers taught and inspired the generations following you. We learned a lot from you folks - thank you very much.:thumb: Now how do we get those 70+ tanks???? :cheer2:
congratulations Efusco on your LMPG of 55 and 76.5 MPG 1. What type of tires are you using(make and size) ? 2. What type of oil are you using(make and weight) ? Thank you
I'm on Michelin Hydroedge tires currently at 50psi all the way around. I'd been running 42f/40r up until about 6 months ago. I use Mobil 1 synthetic 5W20 and change it every 10k miles now.
My LifetimeMPG is still at 53.2. In some ways, I feel that those of us driving the '04 and '05s have a harder hill to climb since - in the early days - we literally had to figure it out ourselves. Mostly via Priuschat. No one taught us pulse-n-glide, we didn't know to block our grills, the scan gauge didn't exist. So we will continue to carry the baggage of the first couple years when we were doing what we could with what we had. Congrats on the 55 LMPG average!:rockon: To address the fact that the LMPG doesn't move much anymore or reflect recently improved driving techniques, I started calculating the 12-month average. This idea originally started when I was talking with Justin Fons, who routinely turns in 100+MPG averages in his Honda Insight but averages something like 60LMPG because of his first year of carefree driving.
Congratulations! The 55 Lifetime is a remarkable achievement, but I wonder if it doesn't pale in comparison to your numerous 70+ MPG tanks? Winter just killed my average, but I'm on the rebound. My current tank is going to take me to my milestone of 50 LMPG. This is only based on 10,000 miles, but at least I've been tracking all of this time. I still haven't had a full tank ato 60+ MPG, so congrats on your high mileage!!
Ok, here's me, green w/ envy AND exasperated :yuck: ... here I was, just going to post my once a year hypermile tankfull: . . . but just when you think you are real good, there's always someone better, waiting to knock you off your high horse. CONGRATULATIONS Evan !! :thumb: ... Damn You! The tankfull I'm just finishing off today, compared to yours, was totally put to shame. I am not worthy! Kidding aside, my LMPG's are running about the same, but a few months behind yours ... but I'm only in the 60K total miles range, giving me a LMPG of 54.0 and with P & G the whole 19.5 mile one way trip to work? It takes way too long to get to work each day. 1/2 way there, after picking up the car pooler, it's up to freeway speed. Normally. So the next 700 mile tankfull won't be 'till next May. You'll hear from me again in '09 ... so watch out ... I'm comin' after you !!
FIFTY POUNDS sheez allmighty! Any irregular wear on the outer treads (yet) ? Do you do your own oil changes? I've had some service shloemoes tell me they wouldn't put 10w-30 in at my request ... simply because primarily the book says 5w-30. (but the real reason is because of the profit margin on one type oil or the other, I'm certain). So even in the 90 degree summers you use the 10w-20? Too risky for me, but it'd likely help the mpg's.