Three months and ten days later my car arrived in perfect condition. The deal I negotiated back in November with American Toyota in Albuquerque, New Mexico regarding price and trade-in went exactly as planned (I had worried that they might have tried to re-negotiate the trade). Very professional, these folks. I highly recommend them. D.D., my excellent sales person told me that their list length is now at 40 and that they are now quoting 6 month waits. As for the car, it's beautiful (I was afraid I wouldn't like the color). Functionally, it's even more excellent than what I had remembered it being. I had hoped for a Package #9, got a package #7, and am perfectly pleased with it. The audio sounds good, bluetooth isn't important to me, and, not having the nav system, I'll just carry a road atlas and compass with me as I've done in the past. Oh, and although tedious, I think I can re-learn the art of physically dimming the rear view mirror myself and learn to actually carry my hand held remote garage door opener along with me in the car. Driving home tonight on the hilly winding roads was fun. Learning to use all those displays was fun. Showing off the car to curious folks at the restaurant was fun. HID headlights are even more effective than expected, and the keyless entry and operation is very easy to immediately develop a liking for. At the moment, I suspect it would take more than a crowbar to wipe this silly self satisfied grin off my face. To those of you who are still waiting, hang in there; it's very much worth the wait. Ken
FYI, I am waiting for my Pruis to come in May, but wanted to say my dealer would put the auto dimming mirror and Homelink for your remote openers installed for $319.00. Just letting you know you can get the mirror installed.
Thanks for the information, longshortofit - there is also information on how to find the Homelink mirror much cheaper in another thread here on the board - just search Homelink. Should be an easy install to do yourself.