Bought a new 2008 Prius today and expect delivery in about 8 to 10 weeks. I hope I don't miss my Cadillac too much once I start driving the Prius...
I have had mine for 30 days and love it. The more you read and know about it, the more I think you will like it. The technology can be very interesting. At now 1100 miles I'm at 55 MPG for the past 200 miles - yes, not driving as quickly as I have in the past . Its fun as its a cool experience to drive 1/2 a mile on the flat at 20 to 25 MPH on the elecric motor, and to know how often the combustion engine is off at other times.
You have more patience than I do. I've had mine for a couple of weeks and love it, though the two weeks I waited for it to arrive were quite long. About missing the Cadillac, I don't think you will, at least not in a bad way. Congrats on the planned new ride!