I'm thinking of installing an internal space heater because I live in northern ontario where it gets down to -40c for 3 weeks at a time. I'd like to install the space heater so that when I plug in my vehicle (block heater) it also powers on the space heater so that when I get into my ride it is already toasty warm. I know there are many posts about "just drive it until it warms up" but seriously, at 40 below a person will do anything to get a bit of warmth. Any advice on suitable space heaters, where I might want to install it, and how to route the power cord to nearby the block heater cord?
I can understand your desire for more heat, I have that same desire for my wife's benefit. The knee-jerk picture that comes to my mind is one of those portable steel-clad 1500watt space heaters that melt anything within 1 ft. Placing it into your vehicle and hoping it won't eventually destroy your interior someday seems pretty risky. I don't know about less powerful space heaters, but here's another idea. Set the car up the night before with heater fan ON and an engine block heater. Remote start the vehicle in the morning. If it works like it does on my "other" car, the car starts and the heater comes ON and heats immediately due to the engine block heater. All in all, how many -40 days do you have? ZC1
Oh it's easier than that! I put one of those oil filled electric heaters behind the passenger seat at night. First, you have to slide the seat fully forward and make sure there is no tilt on the seat back. Then, just set the heater right there. (These heaters are about 24" high X 12" long X 6" wide.) I keep it about 1/3 of the way up on the low setting, and the car is nice and warm even on a VERY cold and windy winter morning. Oh, and I DON'T park in a garage; it's outside. If you're in a garage, well, that's even better. I just leave it on all night. In the morning when I'm leaving for work, I unplug it and set it back in the house and then roll up the extension cord. An extra advantage is the windows scrape off real easy, and most days I don't scrape them at all! The heat just melts the snow, and leaves the ice real loose. I do not have an EBH - yet. I'll get one this summer and have it ready for next winter. Guy in WNY
I live in Minot, ND...we were frequently hitting -30 to -60 this year. I bought an interior heater (you can unplug it when it warms up in the Spring, leaving the under-the-hood wiring in place). I got it from NAPA (see below) and I plugged it into a splitter so I only needed to plug in one cord to use my engine block heater and the interior heater. The one I bought doesn't appear to be available any longer, but it was similar in appearance to the one at the link below. I think mine cost ~$80. My wife's car took the garage so my Toyota Tacoma spent the nights outside. I never had to chip ice or brush snow off of my windshield after I installed it. It was the best investment I had on the truck! Sadly, I'm moving to N. VA and just traded it in for my new Prius (I'm thrilled to have the Prius!). Would have liked to keep both, but not in the cards. awiz11 NAPAONLINE®
Hi Awiz11 Your suggestion is more in line with what I had in mind. Something small so I can perhaps put it under the seat so it's out of the way for the 6 months of the year when I'll need it. Questions: Where did you place the heater, eg under the seat? How did you route the cord? I too will use a splitter so I will only have to plug in one cord to power both the block heater and interior heater. I assume you penetrated the firewall somewhere/somehow? Thanks for input everyone....keep the ideas coming! Ron
Far too many -40 days for my liking :-( Any brands suggested for portable heaters? (as you mentioned) Also, cannot install remote start on prius. It's not like other vehicles, and I have remote start in other vehicles, and it is wonderful. Sadly it's not a possibility with prius.
I have a small electric heater I use at home it is made of plastic it is duel 750 watt or 1500 watt. It does not get all that hot you could mount it on a board or something so it will not fall over and put it in the passenger floor board or in the back. the name on the heater says LAKEWOOD I got it at walmart for $10. LAKEWOOD ENG. AND MFG. COMPANY CHICAGO IL.
This may be a silly question, but shouldn't we worry about burning the car down if we're leaving a space heater plugged in all night?
It's why we have insurance ;-) Actually, I have a switch inside the house so in the morning I just flick it on to turn on the block heater and internal space heater.
You may want to carefully read your insurance policy or contact them about such heater. I know that insurance policies typically have conditions about checking an "unoccupied" home and unattended heating devices in homes.
Ron, I put the heater on the floor in the passenger compartment. The cable was routed through an opening in the firewall and I ziptied the cord to other cables, finally terminating it at the front grill. Hope this helps. I personally would never use any type of heater not specifically built for this use...I would worry too much! Hope this helps. awiz11
Defa is major brand here in Finland and i ordered Defa termina 1350 for my coming Prius.I dont know if defa is available in Ontario but I think you should check it too. I suppose to get my Prius on Saturday (after 3 month waiting) and if you want I can get some photos with termina. DEFA WarmUp - Interior heaters
If you want a serious project you can install a Webasto gas fired hot water system. They are used in trucks to provide engine block heat and cabin heat while parked. We have a diesel fired one in our boat and it is rated at 43,000 BTU/hr, which should let you slide by even in your cold weather. While it could be done, I'm not seriously suggesting this for your needs. The Webasto units are expensive and are complex to install. However, they do work well. Tom
Hi Kipander, thanks for the info. This is EXACTLY what I am looking for, unfortunately I cannot get this in Canada
With that kind of heat output inside a car while everyone else is digging there car from the snow you Prius would be in the middle of a puddle wouldn't it.