I know that my light colored carpets will soon become a horrific mess unless properly covered and protected. I am realistically a slob....I eat in the car and inevitably mess up the carpets. Even if I swear off for a while, I will eventually spill something (makeup??) and ruin them.... I haven't found any covers that will extend over the center area of carpeting in the front. I am considering buying the vinyl covers sold here online because they cover the center area in the rear floor, but this won't protect the front area. Has anyone tried using silicone carpet protection spray? Or found vinyl that will extend across the entire carpet in the front?
I don't have Bisque Carpets, but the gray carpets are very light in color and do show all kinds of dirt. One of the first things I did after getting my new Prius home was to treat the carpets with: "Scotch-Gard Fabric and upholstery Protector". I applied it as per the directions on the can. Two light spaying's, allowing the first spaying to dry before the second spaying was applied. A word of caution, don't spray this product indoors, the fumes are really nasty. If you decide to do your entire car, do it on a day where you can leave all the doors open, the stuff will take your breath away when it's concentrated inside the car. While the directions on the can state do not use this on carpets, I had no running or color staining and it didn't seem to affect the plastic/rubber backing of the floor mats. I also did the entire cars carpets and the carpeted mat for the rear, no problems. I recently cleaned my floor mats, first thing is to vacuum all the loose dirt, pebbles and other junk off of them while they are in the car. Next to remove the stains I spray them with 'Simple Green' full strength. I let it soak in then take a soft scrub brush to them. Finally I wash the mats with a hose, let them drip dry for awhile then take a wet/dry vac to them to remove the rest of the water and return the nap to the carpet. They look very clean and there was no damage done. About the small section not covered by the mats. Have you looked at any of the home carpet runners? It comes in different colors, it's fairly easy to cut with a razor or heavy duty scissors. Check Lowes or Home Depot, stuff isn't that expensive.
SparrowHawk60 has good advice. The Scotch-guard works well but won't prevent ground-in dirt, stains. On a lighter note, consider one of these with an insertable tray. Plastic Adult Bibs Vinyl Bib | llmedico.com ound: ZC1
Nothing seems to prevent ground in stains, but the application of Scotch Gard does do a good job at preventing the stains from setting. The Simple Green and scrub brush get out all of the ground in stuff. Tar is the biggest thing to be concerned about, that will surely destroy a set of Bisque mats. Goo be gone will remove the tar, and if you're not careful the rubber/plastic backing as well.
hey malli, have you ever tried any of the self-adhesive carpet protection film stuff? it's not a permanent carpet protection solution, but you can just take it up and put it down every month or so to keep it fresh. main site: carpet protector by plasticover