This is my first post. I happened upon PC a few months ago during my Internet research before buying my Prius. I found a lot of useful information on making the deal, extended warranties, etc., that helped save a lot when we went to buy. I’ve read even more threads since and really enjoy the useful advice, enthusiasm and community. This is a really great place to hang out. I figured I would wait a few weeks to take pictures, until the sun showed up and the trees bloomed. Fate intervened, but my story does have a happy ending. We bought our Seaside Pearl Package #6 Prius on March 27, and really enjoyed it. Neither my wife nor I have any real commute, and with the weather being gloomy and every freeway around us beginning summer construction, we hadn’t had a chance to drive it extensively. But it was a ton of fun to learn about and drive, even though we only put about 400 miles on it in the first month. Early in the morning on Monday, April 28, someone torched my next-door neighbor’s garage. Living in Chicago, our garages are at the far end of our properties, facing onto the alley. We don’t put out the trash, we just walk trash out to our containers in the alley, and once a week the city empties them. My neighbors had just finished remodeling their house, and they had a bunch of wood and construction debris plus some cut-down boxes in their containers. Someone apparently pushed all that stuff up against the garage and lit it on fire. The fire burned down their garage, burned the 8-foot-tall wooden privacy fence between our garages, and then burned my garage. With my one-month-old Prius inside. The first we knew of this was when the police woke us at 1:30 a.m. to tell us our garage was burning. We ran outside to see the fire fighters putting out the last of the fire. It had completely destroyed two garages, melted the vinyl siding off of three other garages and burned down a fence across the alley. It was devastating to look at. The crime was on the local TV news shows the next morning. It had been the second arson fire in two nights, with the other destroying a handful of garages about one mile due north of us. Monday morning, I called the telephone company (because the telephone and cable lines into the house had melted) and the insurance company. Then I called my Prius salesman. I explained my situation, and he said he had seen the news reports. I told him I needed to get my car back, and he said they only had two low-package Super White ones on the lot (when we bought ours one month earlier, they’d had 30). But he had two coming in later in the week, and he’d go check the manifest. He came back to tell me that one of them was a Seaside Pearl Package #6. I put down a deposit. He told me he would let me know when it arrived, and I would work on getting my insurance check. On Wednesday, he called to tell me it had arrived. He said he’d talked to the sales manager, and they agreed they would give me the same deal we worked out on the first one, even though they weren’t offering deals on Prii any more. We agreed that he would prep it and we would plan for me to come get it on Saturday. On Thursday morning, the insurance adjuster arrived to inspect the car to determine what they would pay. He said he had never seen a car so completely incinerated. They usually find parts that can be salvaged, but the only possibility here was the metal in the wheels. Only the front driver’s side tire had any tread, the others had burned away. The license plates melted. The hatch door was missing, possibly blown off when the gas tank burned. Anything plastic or leather on the interior was gone, leaving a thick layer of ash. I’d hoped I could salvage my prescription sunglasses from the upper glove compartment, but when I could get close to the car, I found there was no glove compartment at all, just an engine wall. I explained my car plan to the adjuster and the desire to get the money before I bought the new car on Saturday. He said he’d upload the photos and the information, along with my request to expedite it, to the claims examiner in a couple hours. 24 hours later, on Friday morning, I had a check in hand for the purchase price of the car. 24 hours after that, on Saturday morning, I owned a new Seaside Pearl Package #6. The salesmen said the other Prius they’d gotten in had been claimed, and they were expecting two more next week. After that, they were on allocation for eight to 12 weeks, so they didn’t know when or what they would get. We drove it home and then out to a party 50 miles away that night, and it runs beautifully—just like the first one. It was a very good feeling. I don’t know that my story has a moral. I’d suggest that, like Joni Mitchell sang, you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone, but I think most of the people at PC *do* know what they’ve got. So I would just say, be sure you appreciate it, because it can be taken away before you know it. And unless you are really, really lucky, it might be difficult to get it back right now. Here are some photos for you to enjoy. Well, not “enjoy,†but you know what I mean.
Wow. That's quite an amazing tale. I'm glad you all came out of this OK, and I'm glad both the insurance company and the dealer did the right thing for you. Enjoy your new car -- mine is on order and should come in this week!
I can say I would rather have mine toasted like that then just partially damaged especially being that new. But yeah its a shame. Hopefully the insurance company continues to take care of you for the rebuilding of your garage.
Another "wow" here. Thanks for the story, and I'm glad the outcome was positive. Who's your insurance company? They deserve public recognition.
That is's painful to see the car like that. Do you happen to have any shots of the battery pack?...I'd really like to see it with the cover off and what the heat did there. Man, so glad you got a new one, but that is some terrific damage.
Thanks for the good wishes, all. Morpheusx, I agree that this wasn't the worst outcome, especially given that my exact car was available. It would be awful to try to "fix" a car that was pulled from a situation like that. The car is smoky blue in color, it's not supposed to *smell* smoky. You just know it would never be quite right again. JimboK, my insurance is with State Farm. They have really come through. The car and garage investigators coordinated their visits so they'd be here together to take up less of my time (which wasn't necessary, since I work at home). I'm to get a check for the garage by mid-week. Meanwhile, my neighbor where the fire started hasn't heard from his agent yet, from what I know. efusco, there is too much debris and ash to want to mess around in it too much right now. I'm guessing they'll wait until the garage is demolished to take the car away. I'll see if there is anything to see once it's easier to move around it.
Wow, that's some destruction. I've never seen anything like that. I'm glad things worked out for you re the car. I'm happy that you quoted Joni Mitchell. Hey, what happened to your trim rings? Did they melt off or did you pull them off prior to the fire?
Don't touch the burnt car. Seriously the plastics used in the interior and electrical insulation in car becomes very toxic once it burns. If you have to touch the car wear gloves and wash afterwards. Wash your clothes and shower because this stuff is bad. Glad you have good insurance and are back in a Prius. This is just the reason I don't use discount car insurers, I use the best. Hope rebuilding the garage goes as smooth and you get enough to replace everything you lost. I bet it will feel good when the police get the fool who did this. I'm sure they can't know the pain they inflict on people.
Boo, the trim rings were on the car, so they either melted or burned away. If they had survived, I would have found out exactly what material they were made of and sided my new garage with it! Patsparks, thanks for the warning, I wouldn't have thought of that. I don't intend to get too close, as just being near it is a messy job. Besides, it occurred to me that I don't own the car any more... Here's a happier picture I took yesterday of the Mark II, as I like to think of it.
Jeez, "toast" is right. It looks from the closeup of the driver's side door like the paint boiled right off... There are bubbly patterns there! Sounds like you're lucky with your insurance, and especially lucky that the house didn't burn too while you were asleep! We can all take it as a reminder that the value of life is not measured by what we have.
The hood AND rear hatch are aluminum, which has a lower melting temp than steel ... ergo, POOF. Most of the heat must have been up front as much/some of the hatch looks like it didn't melt. Very sorry to hear/see this. Very glad you all still were not hurt.
Holy Schmolly!!!! I saw that on the news last week!!!, I live in the south suburbs, it was all over the news. WOW!!! I am glad you were able to get a new replacement so fast.. Just wondering what dealer you bought from?? I got mine from Elmhurst Toyota
What I think is interesting is that the hatch and hood melted (aluminum alloy) but the wheels are still intact (also aluminum alloy but a different alloy apparently.) My materials engineering background makes me now want to find out which alloy is used for the hood and which alloy is used for the wheels so I can estimate the temperature of the garage during the fire. But I'm also lazy, which overrides my curiosity. Sorry about your car, Code Blue, but I'm happy that you were able to get a replacement. :thumb:
Oh the humanity! Glad every one was ok, and everything turned out well! My guess is that location was key. The hood and hatch had plenty of flammable materials located directly beneath them, and probably experienced a much higher local temperature than the wheels. On the ground would have been the coolest place in the garage (relatively speaking of course). Just a guess though. Rob
Freshmtt, I bought both cars from Libertyville Toyota. When we bought the first one, they had 30 Prii on the lot, including several copies of the one we got. This time, they had no cars that weren't claimed, and they had only two coming in next week. Prii are getting a lot more scarce, which makes me feel really lucky that they had my combination on the way in. I don't even want to think about what the chances of that happening are.
I'm happy to hear that you got a replacement Prius so quick. The main thing is that you and family were able to exit without injuries. I hope that everything gets back to normal soon. They need to catch the arsonist before someone is hurt or killed.
Code_Blue, sorry to hear about your Prius. I am glad to hear that your insurance company took care of you. This type of crime should not go unpunished, but it may be difficult to find out who is responsible unless someone give a tip to the authorities. The fire could have been worse and luckily it did not involve your house. Hope you can receive delivery on your new Prius soon. Regards.