My 04 50K started handling funny when going fast on curvey mountain roads. It has good Michelin tires. I can't tell if the shocks are shot, a swaybar is loose or if a tie rod or something is worn -- this is what it feels like. It's going into the dealer this week but I wanted to get feedback here if there is any. Thanks, Al
Make sure you check your tire pressure stagger. Without the 2 pounds differential between front and rear, I find the handling is skittish and loose with plenty of over-steer, or perceived over-steer anyway.
wowsers!! Never heard of such a thing in all my born days! I did just top them all up to 40lbs when I noticed the funny handling. I will try your idea asap -- but wait -- you say "differential" but do not say higher in front or back?!!? Thanks! Al
Thanks, I'll change it to 2lb differential. Is the "door sill" a mfg sticker? I thought there was a huge concensus here for higher pressure -- even higher than my 40psi.
Hmm, I run 44/44 and have never encountered any such problems with handling (still on OEM tires at 19K).
Rear-engined VWs ran 20 front/30 rear for the same reason: the weight distribution causes uneven tire stress, and the inflation differential helps the handling become more neutral.
Culprit -- worn (1year old) tires were rotated to rear -- then 44/42 psi then install chasis stiffening plate. The handling problem discussed here would not be noticed by most Prius drivers. As stated it shows up "driving fast on mountain roads..." Someone who gets 19K on a set of tires would not feel this issue. Thanks for all the input -- very helpful!