Everyone,, I am so excited about my Prius and want to get a cool bumper sticker boasting my great car,, I saw some bumper stickers on Cafepress and wanted to know if anyone else has any other websites they can recommend. This is what I found on PRIUS ENVY? Shirts & Gifts for Toyota PRIUS Owners : CafePress.com Cafepress.. Has anyone found anything besides these stickers???
I would go easy on the stickers, but that's just me. There are enough gas hog driving red necks that already hate all our car stands for, i.e., change. Put the sticker on, but just be ready for the consequences. I choose to live by example, rather than flounting my Prius-ness, if that's a word. Its your car, though. I have a "Share the Road" (with bicyclists) license plate frame, and I'm sure that in some way that irritates the bigass SUV and monster truck drivers, too. If you feel lucky, go for it.
Ummmm. I am a redneck or actually my wife calls me a prep neck so don't generalize. Do waht you want but don't go overboard. i have a deacl of a redfish on mine.
Thanks for the link. No, I haven't seen any Prius-specific bumper stickers, although I've thought about some. You can get a PriusChat decal that goes on a window: PriusChat Decal. That store was heavy on the Prius-envy theme, but I kind of like the 50mpg sticker that looks like a European country oval sticker (you can get them in different MPG values). Some different ideas for bumper stickers they should include (there are places where you can make your own, also): Don't pay for both sides of the war on Terror Support our Troops - Stop funding Terrorists (and use Darrell's suicide-by-gas-pump guy). If everybody drove a Prius, we wouldn't need Opec Real Patriots Don't Waste Foreign Oil that's it for now.
Sorry to offend. I meant "red neck" as a state of mind, rather than as a geographic generality. I grew up in Bakersfield, so my neck is actually still a little pink. I apologize to red necks everywhere, especially Prius-enlightened ones!
i saw a pretty cool one today that read on a red prius that said " i don't drive IDLE! i drive a hybrid " :thumb: i think these stickers will put the EXCLAMATION POINT on how AWESOME our car's are. anybody, see any other cool bumper stickers out there? happy driving, irie...
hahahahahahahhahah it took me 5 minutes to quit laughing about that one.. ound:ound:ound:ound:ound:ound:ound:
Nope, not me. We have a very strict policy of not sullying our cars with anything stuck-on, no matter how great the bumper sticker may be. Hubby must be obeyed, no matter how many republicans I'd like to tick off with that Voldemort sticker. out:
Well, regarding having your car attacked by a redneck, Hummer or other monsters, I can attest that that those fears are unfounded. I have had various stickers on the rear-end of my 2003 PRIUS since we bought it new in 2002. My car is still in cherry shape. There are a lot of pickups/SUVs around here but no problems. A few motorcycle riders have given me the thumbs up on the roads. What it does is raise awareness and has created many good remarks and generated a lot of interested questions. You would be surprised how many people have no idea what a PRIUS is or even how a hybrid works. So you are doing them a service by telling them. So, IMO, stickers start a conversation going, if you are into conversation. Lately I have had the 50MPG Euro-style decal on the car and people sometimes are incredulous, so I added the one that says "Sometimes I only get 48 mpg!" I have always taught my kids, to BLEND 0UT, don't blend in! That's one of reasons that we buy cars like a PRIUS. If you have rednecks attacking you or your car, you may want to consider moving to another neighborhood!