Very interested if anyone has this sub or has had a chance to give it a listen..Looks like I can get one for about $180 dollars..Might be cheaper and easier than going with the kicker amp and sub BUT will it sound as good?? Its a Infinity Basslink 10" Amplified(200 watts) sub..
I went ahead and got this sub on E-bay before it ended got it (new) for $180.00. Will let you know how it sounds after getting it and hooking it up paying with money order so may take a few weeks... If anyone has this sub would love to see some pics of where you mounted it and would also like to know how it sounds..Thanks
I had this in a previous car and it was great. The amp is built in and it has plenty of thump. No complaints there. I wonder if it will fit in the cubby below the rear floor? That way it is hidden and out of sight.