I agree with Bruce and Pepa; it's likely that you didn't get the pin all the way in. I just finished installing the Costal Tech EV switch, and ended up having to call on my boyfriend and roommate for help *hangs head in shame*. I actually found disassmebling the dash the most difficult part (but I have small hands, which may be why it was more difficult to me to take apart the dash than to pull out the ECU plug). I found Evan's method of taking off the lower glove box first and then taking off the AC vents easier than the reverse, which is what is in the Costal Tech directions. Everything else was easy, and I clamped all the wire taps down with pliers and pushed that pin in with a small screwdriver, but it didn't work. So I pulled it out again and tried reinserting and pushing the pin in again as far as it would go; still no success. My boyfriend then pulled out the logic probe to make sure all the connections were good (which they were). My roommate then proceeded to futz with the pin for maybe 10 minutes, noting that on the connection side of the plug (opposite of the wires), you could see the metal pins for all the other wires except the pin we were trying to insert. I don't know what he did to finally get the pin all the way in, but then after that, it worked.
Hey, whaddaya know - I'm not the only one having trouble with the Coastal EV mod! Santa brought me their XM, door lock, AND EV kits, and I installed them all last Friday. Two out of the three are working great! I want to wait until the torrential rain around these parts lets up so that I can work on it under sunlight, (and according to the weatherman, that ain't gonna be anytime soon), but does anyone know if leaving this circuit partially complete will do any harm to the car? Do I need to either make it work 100% correctly or remove it immediately?
Shouldn't, assuming all other connections are intact. Having the EV engage pin open would simply try to send the "Engage EV" pulse when you held the CC stick for 3 seconds, but the HV wouldn't be able to "hear" it, and thus seem to ignore it.
Success! Finally had a sunny day to park outside and try again. Sure enough, that pin wan't quite far enough in. Weird, because I thought I felt it click the first time. Anyhoo, I didn't have a tool small enough to properly push the pin that last micron in, so I improvised with an unbent paperclip gripped with needlenose pliers. That did it.