Correct A1 is the current minimum spec for ACEA oils Since both appear rated the same - as far as ACEA specs go - that really is up to you. I have no experience with the Penzoil oils. How do the prices compare? Adaptive Molecules. Hmmmm. So now it appears the Borg have gone back in time and put their evil technology into our products. Must be the first step to assimilating all of us
Pennzoil Platinum oils have shown to perform well, based on UOA's posted on other forums. Many people think that the new Platinum is better than Mobil 1. However, both oils will work great. I would pick the cheapest.
I also use Mobil 1 5w/30 changed at 5k intervals. I also run the Mobil 1 oil filter. I'm in nice toasty Phoenix where daytime temperatures in the summer can exceed 120F.
Is A/3 "better" than A/5? Pennz Plat. 5-30 is about $4/US qt at wallmat. Costco had a coupon $8 off Mobil 1, the $30 six pack= $22. Got two packs. The borg molecules separate and cluster acording to pressure, heat, and shear. According to Pennz. they almost seem alive They also run a TV ad where the oil is cleaning up the dirty engine. Very good marketing. I want that to happen in my motor. Sopus Products that owns pennz is nowhere as rich as EXXON, don't need any research to know that. I assume big E has no money problems when it comes to research. I don't get a lot out of "exceeds conventional oils" "extends engine life" though on the Mobil 1 can.
I wonder if Doc Willie is going to start using it... and then re-detail his car with little green "cracks" of borg technology erupting across his prius shuttlecraft... Wonder if it'll then come with regenerative shielding or transphasic torpedoes.
A3: Extended oil drain intervals, stable oil, severe operating conditions A5: Extended oil drain intervals, stable oil. Specific mention of lighter viscosity, HTHS 2.9-3.5 mPa s. No mention of severe operating conditions So in theory an A3 rated oil is tougher than an A5 oil. Of course, there are some oils that are dual rated
In my opinion 5000 miles is to long to go. I changed mine to Mobil 1 at 700 miles. At 3000 miles I changed only the filter. At 6000 miles even though the dipstick looked like new oil when the oil was removed it was black. The really cool thing that Mobil One oil does is it suspends the dirt. Dino oil lets the dirt accumulate on the metal but syn oil keeps its in solution.I always use the factory filter. Its only $ 4. At 6000 miles I also changed the trans oil to the stuff linked below. Major difference in the feel and sound of the car. Much smoother. If you have a cranky transmission this stuff will fix it!! Not that our precision CVT's are cranky. Its an excellent transmission but the ATF linked below is Synthetic and quite remarkable. Redline is the best. In fact there motor oil is probably the best on the market but its $9 a quart.Clink the linky below and read the product data sheet for the D6 trans product and there motor oils. Red Line Oil: Gear Lubricants
i've been in some debates over oil here lately, it's always split 50/50 on if one should use syn or dino, or if one should go 10k miles or go 5k. Pretty much stay at 5k-6k interval or every 6 months. There is no need to buy the extended life mobil1 in this case, just get the 5quart jug of mobil1 silver cap, which is still a synthetic and high quality. Or you could run dino, I prefer syn for the sludge fighting benefits though. For oil filters I prefer the denso dealer filters, they are only 4 bucks. Or you can use mobil 1, purolator, super tech filters..the super tech filters are hella cheap and from reviews work damn good. For oil weight I've chosen 5w-20 for this last change a couple of weeks back. The dealer ok'ed it and i had it changed there. If it makes you feel more comfortable just stick with 5W-30, there isnt much diffrence between those two grades. Some run Ow-20, but i find the price to be a bit more and it can be harder to find. Supposed 1MPG gain. I have noticed with 5W-20 that when the motor kicks off at ICE is just warming up, that the sudden jar of the motor cutting off is alot smoother with the lighter oil, or it could just be placebo effect(no gain in mpg so far)
I am concerned about this statement. First of all, the WS is already a semi-synthetic and works well, and is cheaper than Redline. Second, a lot of us are wondering about electrical properties. Supposedly the windings are protected from the oil, but is that always certain. Bill Wilson tried Amsoil in a gen 1 Prius and had increased wear, according to used oil analysis
Use Astroglide....The inventor of Astroglide, Dan Wray, discovered it while working on the space shuttle at Edwards Air Force Base in California. If it's good enough for the space shuttle, it's good enough for the Prius.lane: Astroglide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While I am willing to put non-spec oils in the Prius engine (5W20) I would be fearfull of putting non-toyota fluids in the transmission. Specifically, I would worry about corrosion and material compatability issues with the electrical components and the electrical insulation materials in the transmission. I could easily argue that my oil choice did not hurt the engine with evidence from my oil analysis. However, if I had a winding short out in one of the motors, I would be dead in the water to try and say that the Redline oil was perfectly compatible with the winding insulation.
I've used Mobil 1 5w-30 since the first oil change. Two years and 60,000 miles later, great mileage and running like a top!
I'm sorry jayman, but one total loss accident, brain tumor, and hideously broken leg later, I can't recall what you said about oil. I will be using Mobile 1 Synthetic on my first change at 5K plus. I don't know whether to use 5/20 or 5/30 or 0/20. It never ever gets colder than 20 degrees here. If one suddenly takes a trip to a much colder climate, can one change oils? Also, even if you buy your own oil, bring your own oil, hold your own oil up in the guy's face, you can't assume they will actually use your own oil. I had them ignore it and pour the stuff out of the drum in there. I made them drain it and then rinse it with their drum synthetic and then put my oil in. That was in the 07 that is now wrecked. jen
I've used Mobil 1 5W-30 and Mobil 1 filters since the first oil change. I change the oil every 7,500 miles. Any more frequently would be a waste.
Questions: Would using a filter magnet help any? Where would I get one? I'm assuming the oil in my 12 day old Prius is from the factory or is it topped off at the dealership? On a normal car, I change the engine oil to Mobil 1 synthetic between my first 300 and 500 "engine" miles, getting metal shavings and break-in wear bits out of the engine oil. (at this mileage you can actually see the tiny silver shavings in the drained oil). Since 300 to 500 miles on a Prius doesn't mean 300 to 500 engine operating miles, I wish the car had an engine hour meter. That would be more functional for me. Any thoughts? ZC1