After the post of Prius sales being up significantly, a quick online inventory check of local Maryland dealers showed a total of only a couple Priuses in stock. The same check just a few weeks ago would have turned up more than 100 Priuses - with a large percentage of pkg#6's. It certainly looks like Priuses really are selling like crazy - even the most expensive ones.
Or maybe they're just flushing the 2008 models out (attrition by sales) in order to bring the 2009 in. This table shows May 2008 the initial order acceptance month for the 2009 model It also shows April 9th 2008 the final 2008 order due date
I know the dealership we went to had about 10 in the online inventory on Saturday, but when we went on Sunday to buy one they were all gone - they had sold out very quickly and now were starting a waiting list for incoming inventory.
Wel there has been a rush by the general population to get into a Prius before gas goes any higher. April sales figures show that. In our case we had about 50 in stock and intransit for the month of April. 2 are left. But here's what is more troubling, the next allocation is very very weak in any Prius trims. It's as low as it was in the initial days of 2004 when the Prius all got snapped up before they even hit the US. I wouldn't be surprised if for a short period of time it's back to 'place your order and leave a deposit your's will be here in 3-6 weeks'. I think something must have happened in Japan. Toyota just doesn't make ooops like this in the supply chain.
Wow- I was looking to put my current car on the market and buy a new Prius out here. All of our local dealers' lots are empty or nearly so according to their website inventories. Question: Toyota is no longer delivering '08's, correct? When are the '09's supposed to become available on a dealer's lot, theoretically?
I purchased my Package 6 from Toyota Walnut Creek, (California), and they currently show 64 in stock. (Over the last few weeks they were consistently shown 80-85 in stock, so I guess they are selling more than they get in).
Our local dealer is already back to that. When we purchased our Prius in mid-April, they had 4 or 5 on the lot (and 2 were sold that night). They're now taking orders and deposits for Priuses that will be coming in in mid-May...some friends just ordered one.
I cant speak about other areas of the country, but I live in central NJ and checked in with 5 dealers before I closed the deal on a package 5 touring just yesterday. All the dealers had 1-3 cars available, but pricing was starting to veer towards the old "$200 off sticker" if you wanted one now. I was fortunate enough to grab a good deal at Autoland for $24,800 (which included the pinstripes, etc.) with a reasonable OTD of $27,000 even.
The dealer I bought my Prius at had 21 in stock 2 weeks ago, in just 11 days they sold all 21 and just got 2 in the other day.. This is the Chicago Suburbs.. They are flying like hotcakes, and I am so happy I got mine when I did, and unloaded my SUV before it was worthless.. which will be very soon I am sure...
Or maybe Toyota's planning something tricky... such as a mid-year model change over to plug-in and they're trying to keep their inventory in check for the initial '09's.