Has been a busy week(s) lately and have gone to a few drive-thru food(?) purveyors, does it seem that the person at the other end of the speaker wire is disoriented because the Prius is so silent? How about when you roll up to the pay window? Just wondering.... -Don
no one has ever commented to me before, but I did have an old man approach me in a wal mart parking lot about it and asked me at least 10 - 15 questions about it.
Nope.. they only comment on my carputer. There are motion sensors for cars approaching the order speaker, and there's enough background noise and other quiet cars that they probably don't take significant notice. When you approach the order window, I'm sure the noise inside the restaurant is enough to drown out most car idling noises, except the really raspy 4-bangers and big blocks, so I doubt they take any notice to that either.
no comments but I did go thru a Taco bell drivethru a few weeks ago and ordered two chalupas and a taco. Paid my bill and waited a few minutes, the lady handed me a heavy bag, heavier than it should be. I got home opened up the bag and found enough food for 3 people in it.
Having no noise at the other end does not cause disorientation, but it does make it much easier to hear the order. There are two types of sensors for drive-thrus, and neither are the motion type. The first type is an underground magnetic sensor that responds to cars driving above. They are a pain to fix if broke, and the unit at my store shorts out everytime it rains, causing the computer to think there is a car when there isn't. The second type is where the car rolls over a sensor. I forget how these work, but they are more common at quick lube joints. Driving a quiet car will only make your drive-thru experience more pleasant, as there is a much higher chance the person on the other end will be able to hear you. Now, SUVs and pick ups are a different issue. If they are too loud, they're ordering at the window, though most are smart enough to shut the engine off.
i've received several comments about the car being so quiet. they like it others turn their cars off while sitting.. the prius tends to never make noise since i always turn the a/c off.
I wonder if the sensors at my local fast food restaurant aren't working....'cause the first time I took the Prius through, I sat at the order thingie for several minutes with no response until I started fiddling with the radio and they "noticed" me. It was very weird to drive up to the window in a silent car! BTW I've been to the same place many times in my old loud truck and they knew i was there right away
After placing my order one day, I drove up to the pick-up window to pay. The girl had her back to me when I approached and stopped. Much to her surprise and mine, she screamed when she turned around because she didn't hear me roll up to the window. I should have screamed back, but I'm sure she was already embarassed enough.
On my first day after purchasing my prius, I came into my works parking lot after getting my lunch and my coworkers came out side. They told me to turn it on and I told them it was on, they did this--->:jaw: