Is it possible to access real-time TPM data w/ an aftermarket gadget, or some kind of ECU hack? I wish Toyota had included a TPM readout for each tire in the MFD like they have done on the hybrid Highlander. It would be nice to not have to measure tire pressure the old-fashioned way.
Somewhat on the same topic. What is the TPM set to when it tells you that you have an issue. Is there a way to change this??
Not exactly positive what you're asking for. Using a rash assumption, I think this may be what you're asking about: The TPMS sets an alarm when the tire pressure drops to 75% of the pressure at which it was registered. Example, you set all tires to 40 psi and press the SET button (where ever it is on the Prius). Now, when ANY tire drops below 30 psi, the TPMS system will light set the alert. (You aren't told WHICH tire is low, just that at least one is.)
By pressing the button under the steering wheel right next to the SKS defeat switch. Details in the manual. Decide what the lowest pressure in your tires should be, over-inflate by 20%, press TPMS reset button, adjust tire pressure to correct inflation. TPMS now warns at 5% under-inflation.
Now that is a GREAT idea. Thanks! FWIW Department: My tires came from the dealer at about 30. Does that sound right? Bob
Manufacturer recommended tire pressures for front/rear tires are maked in the drivers door jamb (sitting in drivers seat with door open, look to your left and down, should be a sticker there with payload capacity and tire pressure recommendation).
I attended my dealerships new owner event last night and asked some questions about tire inflation recommendations. I've been reading PriusChat for several months now so I knew the answers to the questions before I asked. The assistant service manager told me that doing the reset process described does not change anything. The lower tire sensor keeps the same alarm point even if you do the reset. Has anyone else heard this or had experience with this? I'm going to reset my tire pressure tomorrow to 38/36 (wife refuses to go to 42/40 so far). makes a device that reads real time tire pressure data. (all 4 tires) Go to Grant
I purchased a dveice called TPMS-ET-1 manufactured by Avertronics on e-Bay for $179. It consists of 4 sensors which are screwed on to each tire stem. Included is a readout device which you can located anywhere inside the cabin. It shows TP for each tire as well as individual tire temp. It is real neat. I've been using it for about two weeks. I find that the cold tire pressures can be off by 1psi from what my analog gage tells me. Now this could be a problem with my gage or the unit. I don't know, at this point, what to do but will probably keep using it until spring when the weather is warmer. Unfortunately, there is NO technical support in this country that I know about. The device is manufactured, like most everything, in the far East.
I have to ask, why even tell the wife? She needs to be concerned with what is for dinner not tire pressure. As far as the correct tire pressure either use what is listed on the drivers door post, or get the weight on each tire and call the manufacture of the tire and ask what pressure is best for this load. To overinflate a tire will cause uneven wear, and reduced traction.
Plenty of people use 42 psi front 40 rear with no reports of problems. I use 44 front 40 rear. This is on the stock Integrities.