A week ago, I drove a very nice, By-Gosh-Manly, full-sized, stump-pullin', mucho macho, 4X4, E-flat pickup truck. Comfy, powerful, roomy. I loved that truck, but it got 11mpg in town. Now, I have a new Touring '08 Prius, but I have developed a serious attitude problem and need your suggestions and help... or at least tell me if this is typical of new Prius owners. You see, now, when I see a big pickup or SUV I get angry. It started with some mumbling, but lately has erupted into loud shouting of things like "MORON", "YOU'RE KILLING OUR SOLDIERS" or "GAS nice person!" (I like the last one, best.) 'Course I've been yelling these things with the windows UP, but I'm worried that I'm going to really lose it one day and get my clock cleaned. So, anyway, is this "normal" for a new Prius owner? Does it get worse; or can I hope to eventually share the road with idiots driving a 6,000 lb, 320 hp SUV - ALONE - to Starbucks - where they leave the engine IDLING for 10 minutes? MORONS! GAS ASSES! Phew, see what I mean?... What can I do? I see no warnings or suggestions in the owner's manual... HELP! Red
I change the emphasis from the other driver to myself and think something like "Thank God I don't own that thing!"
I think it is normal in that you've contemplated the situation and took action. I think you look at other drivers and are amazed that they haven't taken the time to consider the same problem/situation and come to the same conclusion. This probably annoys the living bejeezus out of you because, heck, you took the time and energy and whatever financial hits to make a change, why can't they. Relax. You can't impose you expectations on them. Some, likely, want to change but can't (trade in values on the vehicles are low, or public transit isn't a reasonable alternative). Some need the vehicles for work (probably very few). As gas continues to rise in cost, more and more people will suck it up and either switch to a better mpg vehicle (lazy American way) or (heaven forbid) slow down and maximize what they've got. These two ways are analagous to losing weight, either by hitting the latest Fad diet (easily recognized social statement) versus exercising and eating less (adjusting behavior). You sound really pleased with your decision to switch, and that is great! Take it a step further and slow down a bit on the highway (try not to exceed the speed limit and if you can, drop 5 mph off of it) and really maximize your mpg's. You could go from 11 mpg to 55 mpg just like that. In that way, not only are you making a social statement, you are adjusting your behavior to maximize it. Oh, and be thankful you don't have to pay THEIR gas bills.
I also sold my pickup and bought a prius. I had been wrestling with the amount of money the thing was costing and my environmental conscience wouldn’t leave me alone. Trucks are great for what they are made for, but I can get by with out one. I am the opposite, I do miss my truck. Bt not when I am at the gas station or driving somewhere with no cargo, by myself... Just remember that until very recently you were that person in the truck and maybe next week, or next month, they too will be driving a prius. Don't think too highly of yourself for driving a prius, you are still driving a car and contributing to air polltuion. Sell the prius and ride a bike, then you can yell at everyone ( and get run over...)
Doug RS, easy big guy! Sounds like you're traveling down the path to RODE RAGE! Relax in the knowledge that you are now doing your part to help the world. By shouting in your car the only one you're upsetting is yourself and/or the other passengers in your car. Rejoice in the fact that you can very well get in the neighborhood of 50 mpg, with out a struggle.
Hi Red, No need for attitude. Prius has been available in the US since 2001. It took you seven years to decide that it was appropriate to buy one despite the continuing Middle East conflict, rising gasoline prices, etc. If it took you seven years, why would you be upset that other motorists have not yet realized that it might be appropriate to downsize their energy consumption levels.
i have a far worse attitude problem but i've learned to redirect the energy. unless i choose not to...
Good on ya' for reducing your consumption. But we've all got a long way to go on that score, so don't be doin' any end zone dances just yet.
Yes, after four years I still think those things. I don't always say them but the sentiment is still there. Especially the louder the vehicle, the closer they tailgate, the fewer the occupants, and the longer I see them sitting and idling (usually in front of a store, in a fire lane, waiting for someone). But think of it this way: at least now you know what all the Prius drivers were saying as you drove by in your stump puller. :welcome: And welcome to Priuschat!
Usually, I remind myself of the inverse relationship proportional to size of vehicle vs. size of genitalia. The more bells and whistles (like, brush guards on a gleaming, massive, cross-over SUV/truck that has NEVER left city streets), the greater the inverse relationship. I'm usually laughing pretty hard by the time I do the math. :eyebrows:
Some of us who drive Prii also still have the big SUV. I have a Tahoe that I like to drive when I feel like getting 16mpg. Does that make you upset? Perhaps you should get to know the people and not judge them by the cover. They may be on their way to the hardware store or to pick up something that requires use of a large SUV. Take it easy....Life's too short to get this upset over big SUV's. If your anger could be regenerated into your Prius, perhaps you would see 99.9mpg on the MFD all the time......Good luck and think happy thoughts!
Hey Red, I was a bit worried that you might be the guy that was driving the big SUV that cut my daughter off and yelled at her for driving her new Prius about a week after she got it but I see you don't live near. I had to warn her about angry types so be careful because they are out there and they are not happy people at $4.00 a gallon. Have fun!
I feel the same way when I see a Bush/Cheney sticker on a car. I'd like to pull them over & ask them how retarded they can possibly be. But instead... "serenity now........."
We all pick our own personal battles with society's ills, but it is the bigger person who can come to terms with their own malefactions which are set off by the thoughtless actions of others. Red, I agree with your above statement . . . the MORONS!!! But hey, it could be worse . . . they could be packing their trucks full of morons and driving to Starbucks like your typical Starbucks sheeple. ound: Oh wait, they do that too. :mmph:
There are so many issues though, it's silly to focus on just one. How many of you have diamonds? Diamond mining is not only bad for the earth, it often uses slave labor. Workers get limbs cut off, raped, and all sorts of horrible things. Do you eat chocolate? Most non-organic chocolate that makes its way to our candy bars is made from straight-up slave labor as well. Not sweatshop slavery....I'm talking real slavery. And on the sweatshop issue.... there are far too many brands to name that use these kind of disgusting business practices in third world countries. Do you eat non-organic food? If so....well thanks for poisoning the planet, and making my insurance go up for getting sick. etc, etc..... Like I said, you'd go crazy if you really start to examine every aspect of everyday life. The only thing to do is to educate yourself & live as pure a lifestyle as possible. And help others do the same.
ound:This was a great post and sounds JUST like my husband. He has said the same exact comments. However, we still have our big SUV in the garage for those emergency hauling (more than 1 person) trips. My attitude is a little more responsive to the snooty attitudes of the too-good for Prius people - I can't wait to see $4 / gallon gas! It's horrible, I know! :evil:
I hope it hits $5. In general, Americans couldn't care less about the environment. But when it hits them in their purse/wallet... they finally care about MPGs. Basically - the higher the gas prices, the cleaner the air.
Per http://www.fuelgaugereport.com/CAmetro.asp, it's $3.941/gal on avg here in San Jose, CA. I still see lots of monstrosity class (5000+ lb. land yacht) SUVs though. I guess it's still too cheap for them. I hope it hits $8+. You've hit the nail on the head. It's esp. true of the folks driving the monstrosities, esp. solo.