Soon to be prius owner here. Very excited. Once my "stimulus package" shows up I'm off to the dealership! This site has already answered so many questions for me, a big thanks to everyone!
Welcome To PC!! And you can tell, lots of good stuff here. You'll have to post a picture of your new baby! When you get her. Lol
Welcome from Ballamer. You made the right choice on your next car, and you're at the right place to learn what you need to to use it most efficiently and enjoyably. Before you get the car, read all you can here. Use the search function to dig into the huge stockpile of info available. Whiie your Prius wont be a panacea for all of life's abuses, it will make life in The Land of Pleasant Living somewhat less unpleasant as the gas prices climb to... well, who knows what outrageous prices?