I second that...I'd really like to upgrade my '06's system. If I can find a disk for cheaper on eBay, I'm there.
You guys have different generations of Nav and it won't work across generations. 2004 vs, 2007 I indicated that in #44 of this thread.
For $229 you can buy a good portable GPS. Tom Tom version 3 is currently $169, and it's a lot easier to use than the system in the Prius. Does anyone know if other mapping software would work? IE Garmin's?
Nope, none of the navigation data will work on a different manufacturer's system. Just FYI, ixnay on the iratepay requests. Asking for illegal copies is probably against the forum rules, and could get the site owner in trouble.
9G-Man, I am just a bit confused. I have a just purchased a 2006 Prius with package #7, The DVD is at ver 5.1 (part# 86271-47040) is this a gen 4 or 5 system? For the money I am going to spend to get the new 7.1 DVD I want to get it right the first time. Thanks
Are we suppose to get a DVD with the navigation system? My car is 2008 Touring #6 with the nav. system but I didn't get a DVD. I assumed that they install and you don't get a copy. Is that wrong or right?
You get one copy that stays in the DVD drive under the driver's seat. The nav system reads directly from the DVD. It holds around 7.5GB of data. The nav unit does not have a hard drive.
The 7.1 DVD, when installed in a 2007 Prius does eliminate the "I Agree". After a short caution message the map comes right up on the MFD.
Just curious, What is the generation number for the DVD that was on the 7.1 version? I was told that the Prius 2006 - 2008 all used generation 4. Thanks for your response.
bmoore: as mentioned on page 5 of this thread, if the dealer says the nav system is gen 4 for 06-08, they're wrong. 06-08 is gen 5. See post #44 for part numbers that you can use if you're dealer tries to sell you the wrong disk.
How long does it usually take to get a Nav DVD from Toyota? It has been 3 weeks so far and the dealer has no clue when they will be getting it. I had to pre pay and they said it would only be 2 days to get it. DO they have to hand code each bit on the DVD? I just hope they get me the correct DVD for my '05 Prius. from this discussion it should be Gen4 v.07.1 part # 86271-33047. (04-05 Prius). I have the original DVD that came with my car, so I am excited to see all the additions.
Welcome to PriusChat, BarryP13 You realize you'll lose the override with the latest DVD on a 2005, unless you make a hybrid DVD using the new info and the old startup.
Just for laughs, try the voice command "AM radio" Yes, i know you don't want to listen to AM radio, but just try it. Does the AM radio come on ? If it goes to FM1 or FM2, or anything else but AM radio - you have "a defective item" and repair/replacement IS covered by warranty. There were a number of 2006 Prii that have the "AM radio" issue - and owners who complained got a new nav dvd that had the AM radio command fixed. Too bad it took Toyota a year to get the fix into the DVD - and unfortunately the maps were updated as well ... but such is life.
< You realize you'll lose the override with the latest DVD on a 2005, unless you make a hybrid DVD using the new info and the old startup.> PLease explain? Barry
I just purchased a 2008 and it came with the 7.1 disc. is that the current version? Or should I be going back to my dealer and asking for a replacement - new car should have the latest disk.
Another thread has a link to buy the 8.0 on EBay from "the only authorized internet reseller" Check out this link. 2004 to 2007 Lexus Toyota Nav DVD Ver 08.0 BRAND NEW - eBay (item 320245579838 end time May-02-08 20:29:05 PDT)
Given the bogus info in the listing ("VER 08.0 is not available from any dealership."), I would be reluctant to buy from them.
When you update your NAV DVD do you lose your stored locations? I use my Prius for business and have most of my customer locations stored for easy reference. I think I have 106 of the locations filled. My question is when I upgrade will this information be lost or is the NAV DVD only the maps? I would assume the DVD is maps only since you can't keep adding/deleting locations continuously to a DVD without issues. Just trying to confirm. Thanks for the help.