I'm thinking the Prius haters are for the most part selfish drivers. They want to drive their vehicle in the way they want to drive, no matter what the rest of the traffic is doing. It's all about me, myself and I. Society also seems to be getting more frantic and stressful every day, and people--knowingly or unknowingly--will take out their frustrations on whomever or whatever pushes their buttons at any given moment. On the other hand, I think a Prius driver could also act selfish. For example, going so slowly that they're not keeping up with the flow of traffic, not moving into the appropriate lane or pulling over and letting the other vehicle pass on a two-lane highway, and basically not being considerate or aware of other vehicles.
I think I'm smarter than most of those Suburban drivers! So I guess if they want to think I'm smug they can go right ahead. I know I'm laughing at them every time I leave the gas station and haven't spent more than $40. ound:ound:ound:ound: