I was trying to find the 12V and it is suppose to be somewhere in the passenger compartment. Can anyone tell me where to find it and is it easily removable?
I believe its on the right on the cargo area under the floor..someone correct me if i'm wrong which i probably am
If you open the hatch and look at the little nook/cubby on the right (as you face the front of the vehicle) it's under that triangularish panel on the floor. No, it's not that easy to remove, but not all that hard either...just takes a little time and you have to undo the traction battery vent, remove a couple other parts, detach the negative cable from the body of the car and it lifts out. Be aware that there's also a little vent tube for the 12v battery. Why do you want to access/remove it?
Thanks for the info. I have read so much about that battery and I'm a new car owner, I wanted to be able to know where to find it JUST IN CASE.
I hope you're aware that you don't have to access the battery itself, unless you want to change it. Under the hood you will find on the left side the fuse panel. Remove the cover and you'll see a red "flip up" plastic cover (it's not large). Under that you'll find the "boost terminal", where you can boost the car if the battery goes dead, or charge the battery. The -ve can go to the bolt on the firewall directly above the fuse panel. Much easier to access than the battery, especially if the battery is dead, as the hatch release is electric.
Good info, I would not have looked for that (jump location other than on actual battery) in the owners book.