Well, it's official. CNN has canceled "Crossfire", the politically charged, intellectually sparse political attack show with such "credible" sources as Tucker Carlson and Robert Novak. Jon Stewart's appearance and subsequent criticism of the show is even credited as helping to get the appalling bad program off of the air: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20050...50106-4509.html Dave.
That's good news. Now what can we do to rid our coaxial cables and airwaves of the pollution that is the Fox News Network?
Sneak Jon Stewart onto Bill O'Reilly's program? (Disguised as a stripper...) Ah, I love it when a plan comes together!
Good. May the producers of that garbage burn at the stake for creating that farce in the first place.
Competition! Make the competitors to Fox News so much better that nobody would want to watch Fox News . . . it then will disappear. Any other approach is nothing less than censorship. So, where does the cable news competition stand? Fox News: Average audience: 2.4 million The next closest competitor: CNN: Average audience: 1.0 million. (And will probably drop further now that they are removing Crossfire.) The others are also-rans! OOPS, That’s not working . . . maybe you should try censorship . . . it’s your only hope. http://www.broadcastingcable.com/article/C...t&referral=SUPP
To paraphrase (or perhaps directly quote) Menken: No one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
. . . that approximately 3.2 million people temporarily stop watching CNN during the hours Howard Stern is on??? NAAAH. Diversity man, diversity. I don’t listen to Howard Sterns either. I put him on the same pedestal as Michael More, but that doesn’t mean I want to censor them.
:iagree :lolup: :lolup: :lolup: COULD NOT HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF!!!! CNN earned $887 million with an average audience of one million. Fox News earned $675 million with an average audience of 2.4 million . I guess advertisers are willing to pay CNN the big bucks to get their message in front of the ignorant. http://www.broadcastingcable.com/article/C...t&referral=SUPP
Yah Michael Moore!!! cant wait for his next movie... better than stern or anyone else for that matter
Henry B. Adams: Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts. James Michener: An age is called Dark, not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it. I do not know whether to walk to school or carry my lunch.
I'm beginning to think (unfortunately) that H.L. Mencken is the most accurate predictor of American culture, politics and education of the last 40 years. He has dozens of quotable statements, but the one that resonated last year was this:
I'm afraid he was right--in a way. Before we become too misanthropic (as Menken perhaps was), however, we should not forget that these common people are only permitted constrained choices--none of which are particularly in their best interests. The bread and circus mentality can only thrive when there is a ruling class that takes pains to nurture it. And this has what to do with the Prius?
CNN continues to eliminate all viewpoints except the intolerant left, of which this site has several members of. Hannity is an early 60's liberal opposite a present day liberal, Alan Colmes, which makes Hannity appear to be conservative. There are no conservatives on Fox that I know of, and that includes the well known O'Randy of the no spin zone fame.
The problem with crossfire is that it served no purpose other than to allow two anchors to argue incoherently at each other. I used to call this show the yelling program, as that is all the anchors did, both to the opposing sides guest, and to each other. It was a total unabahsed waste of satellite bandwith. As for CNN, remember that the CEO of Time/Warner was married to Hanoi Jane for a while. Thusly, I'm not at all surprised at the extreme left wing leaning of the channel. CNN is the FOX news channel for the liberals.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Robert Taylor\";p=\"62536)</div> I disagree. Name one "left leaning" program on that network. As for Sean Hannity, he's the one who stated during the Democratic Convention :"Here I am reporting to you deep within enemy territory". I'll believe he's conservative the day I see Ann Coulter plant a big sloppy wet one on Hillary.