Its 102F here today and I jumped into my car to go to my next account. It took fully 10-12 minutes before the inside of the car was getting cool. I was running down the freeway and it just wasn't blowing ice cold air. Is this normal? Im not very happy about this.
The +2004 Prius uses an electric variable speed A/C. Especially if set on Max Cold, it is ice cold and cools the car very quickly. I'd get it checked
This coming from the guy in Canada? It's 100 outside right now and I just got back from lunch. My A/C in my '08 seems to be cold and works well. This about the hottest day since I've had it so we'll see. Seems at least as cold as any other vehicle I've owned so that's good. We'll see when it hits 120F.
Conditions when you got in the Car? Did you roll down all your windows and ride in the car until the hot air blew out? Using any kind of sun shields? They work pretty well if you use them! Think about tinted windows. Use the re-circ until the air gets nice and cold and keep it on. Doesn't do any good to heat 102 degree air.
Not normal. It gets above 100°F here often and have no problem cooling down the car within a minute or two.
Living is south Florida the sun can get quite hot in July/August. Every car I've had blew pretty cold air shortly after I start moving. I have to remind myself that all of that "stuff" in the car is also pretty warm and needs to cool down. But, the air coming from the AC should be pretty cold pretty quick. If not I would assume something is wrong. A white towel spread on the dark dash can really help keeping that part cooler in the sun. I found that if I crack the windows, no more than the thickness of a pencil, it can make a 20 degree difference when I come out from work. It doesn't take much and in all but the worst storms nothing gets in. Having said that, I haven't done that in the Prius so it is possible that some rain may get in due to the roof design. Bob
The temperature was set to a lower temp right? Numerous times I had my A/C on and had warm air coming out of the vents, until I realized I had the temps set to 75. A/C will only cool if you set the temps to lower numbers, otherwise you get warm A/C air.
I've found that with the big windshield, the interior of the Prius absorbs a lot of heat while parked in the sun, and continues to radiate it out while you're trying to cool it off with the A/C. Covered parking or a sun shade keeps the interior a lot cooler, and makes it easier for the A/C to cool the car when you return to it.