Every religion has their "dark corners", that's how they keep their followers. I'm sure that every Mayan priest and their fortunetellers used the 2012 thing to death, literally. For a society to predict that the end of time was in 2012, and still sacrifice virgins on top of a pyramid is a little far fetched to say the least. Nosterdamus, Edgar Cayce, and your local palm reader has the same things in common, if they knew that much, why aren't they rich beyond their wildest dreams, and why can't they tell you what tomorrow's lottery numbers are. Everyone likes to believe in sooth-sayers, dreams, and other voodoo things, but there's no truth to any of it unless the law of averages feels good to you at that time. In other words, sooner or later....you're right! Heaven's Gate followers on the other hand believed that the Hale/Bopp Comet was going to kill us all, so they all got a head start on us. Our current focus on global warming however doesn't require a sacrifice to figure out.
Eating salami with mayonnaise is sacrilegious! It may be "kosher" but certainly no self respecting Jew would be caught dead eating that combo! Check around and you'll see what I mean. :kev:
Technically, mayonaise isn't dairy, it's poultry. Mayonaise is made from egg yolks, oil and vinegar and some spices like mustard. There are no dairy products in mayonaise. The only thing that makes it "dairy" is the fact that it needs to be refrigerated so it doesn't spoil. And it's white. (Well, creamy colored.) Personally, I like mayonaise on white bread with genoa salami, provolone cheese and lettuce.
My 2 cents to get back on topic... Isn't the Mayan calendar showing a pole reversal event? the magnetic lines of the earth reverse. I watched a show on discovery or Science or Nat'l Geo or whatnot. It described the magnetic lines in rocks have reversed many times...before our times as humans, though. I'm speculating a pole reversal would affect most things on the planet, climate included? And mayo is just not right. a good honey mustard is all a sandwich needs!