To be perfectly honest. When I got my first Prius in 2000 I was a complete Prius Zealot. Zealot: a fanatic and most times annoying person. (wikipedia) Back then I had harsh words for anyone who had anything bad to say about the Prius. But here I am with a new 2008 and I do not consider myself a Prius Zealot anymore. Sure the Prius is a great car but I'll be the first to admit its faults like the seats are cheap and the view through the rear window is badly obstructed. I no longer extol its virtues unless asked and thought I feel a bit smug at every fill up I do not rub it into the Excursion driver next to me who is still filling his tank after I am gone. Most things that bring such sustained controversy polarize people into loving or hating it. These forums appear to be a haven for both. From the later you get how a Hummer pollutes less, Hybrids cause Leukemia in kids and other laughable claims that only serve to churn things up. My point is, by no longer being a Zealot I am able to read through these forums, enjoy the discussions and get a good laugh or roll my eyes, without getting all offended, while learning a thing or two. Lighten up people, life is short, lets enjoy the ride... 2008 package 3, shark fin antenna, Weathertech mats, Dash Express GPS, 3M clear bra
I'm a Prius owner and Mac owner. So I'm possibly a double zealot. Except I only expound on the virtues of both if asked and I try to keep my opinions to myself for the most part. Also, I still own a Ford Explorer and have a license plate frame on the Prius which reads "My Other Car is a SUV". I bet that confuses the hell out of some people. :evil:
Naah, I've never felt the need to go on and on about the car in front of people who didn't express interest initially. Nor do I think it is the be-all and end-all of personal transport. But I do really, really like my car.
Zealot: a fanatic and most times annoying person. (wikipedia) What are you on about? That is just ridiculous! How can it be annoying to be told about the best car on earth day in and day out? Now let me tell you about the car I bought about 9 months ago, it is fantastic. Have you heard of the Toyota Prius? Amazing! I get a laugh every time I fill it up, I always try to stop near a 4x4 so I can laugh at the sound of his pump whizzing around. It's great fun to pull in about the same time as a 4x4 and when I finish filling I go up to them and say " gee you must have done a few kilometres since last fill, I have only done 900 kilometres. I best go pay for my 41 litres of petrol then. fifty seven and a half dollars, it sure is getting expensive." I don't know why they look annoyed when I'm walking away. It is such a great car, I can fit 2 bikes and a 2 man touring kayak in the back with my tent and a weeks supplies and still close the back when my wife and I go away, and with all that in you can top 160 kilometres per hour and at the end of the journey it takes a splash of petrol. Let me tell you some more about my car theres this great thing ... How can that be annoying? Your just being silly.
I have an iMac also. Im used to people saying dumb things to me. If they ask politely I will grace them with whatever they want to know and let them make up thier own minds. But I dont care what people think about my Computer or my Prius. I only care what *I* think.
Good question. A little self-examination is a worthy exercise. Unfortunately, I'll take a bit of an exception to the wikipedia definition. I'll go along with the "fanatical" portion of it, but I'd replace "and most times annoying" person with "partisan". Partisans are only annoying to those on the wrong side -- Non? Am I fanatical? I would say I don't have the objectivity of someone who is not a Prius owner, but I also would say I can see the less-than-superlative aspects of the car. I also can see some of the draw-backs, but I am quick to point out that the Prius can't be the car for everyone. It can carry three young children in the back seat, but not three children, two adults and enough luggage for a week-long vacation. It can carry bikes, but it can't pull a boat. Am I partisan? I don't think I exhibit blind, prejudiced and unreasoning allegiance to the Prius cause (borrowing Merriam-Webster's definition). Still, I am very much in the Prius camp. I applaud Toyota for developing this car and putting so much behind it. I also anxiously await the next great improvement in energy-efficient and low-polluting vehicles. I hope it is another "Prius" -- but I'll be pleased to support whomever comes up with the next and greatest. All right. That should be enough of a response to let everyone know I'm either a reforming zealot or blind to my own faults!
Well I was not going to bring that up but I'm typing this on my MacBook Pro. Wonder how many Prius owners are Mac users too.
Having converted both of our SUV's to hybrids ... and having converted my carpool partner from SUV to hybrid, I'd say I still am
I'm a Mac guy too. I think there are lots of people here that appreciate good design and a good user interface. The Mac and Prius are excellent examples of great design! Not sure if I'm fanatical about the Prius, but my wife has cautioned that I'm pissing people off by talking about getting 50 mpg. I don't bring it up unless asked about my MPG with gas approaching $3.70/gal here.
Mac brother Sheepdog... I think you hit the nail on the head. True Zealots want everyone to believe as they do. Generally we no longer feel compelled to convince anyone.
I've been a Prius zealot for about 3 years now, even though we only bought our baby last July. It took me about 2 years of mentioning it every time hubby brought up the discussion about a new car. He did the research (as I had already done) and decided I was right. (YAY!) Oh, and we're also MAC zealots. We currently have three (an older G4, an IMac (brand new) and a MacBook (also new). We also owned one of the original Mac computers back in the 80's when they were just a litte taupe colored box with a maybe 10" was awesome. ound:ound:ound:ound:
I am a: (a) Prius driver. Check. (b) MacBook Pro owner. Check. Zealot? No. A person who appreciates superior technology and innovation? Absolutely!